Season 1 Episode 8 “Kate and Alice continue their sister/nemesis dance; Alice and Mouse construct their most evil plan yet; Mary invites Kate to a special event honoring Catherine; Jacob makes a decision that leaves Kate perplexed.”
What I Liked
1. Alice is one of those characters that one moment, holds barely any baring on the story whatsoever. Then the next moment, she’s curious. She tells Kate pretty much from the get-go that she sabotaged the weapon that was designed to penetrate her suit. It’s a decent twist that’s for sure.
2. Alice manages to kidnap Jacob, and ties him up. She basically asks Jacob why he never had the skull fragments tested, or why he never continued looking. We learn after Jacob’s admission that he found it easier thinking she was dead, rather than the consistent look, and hope. It was a tear-jerking moment, until; read dislike number 2.
3. Kate figured out insanely quick that Jacob is not around, and that Mouse is the one portraying her father. I’m glad she figured this out as quick as she did, these stories can sometimes go on for too long. GG Kate!
4. Joker, and Riddler name drops by Catherine, as she’s forced by Alice to read a speech. The speech explained that Catherine had bought her power through blood money. She then collapsed after the speech after being poisoned.
5. Throughout the entire scenes with Mary, Catherine, and Alice you feel like Catherine is about to meet her demise, even though Alice has an antidote. The twist, more importantly was fairly surprising. Turns out, both Catherine and Mary have both been poisoned; with only enough antidote to cure one of them.
Catherine pushes Mary into taking the antidote, which obviously means Catherine does meet her demise here.
6. Got to give Alice props this episode, you do kind of sympathise with why she’s doing what she’s doing. Especially ending Catherine’s life, it makes sense to be honest. At least an impact has been made on the series already, with one of the major characters dead already.
7. Jacob has been set up by Alice to take the fall for Catherine’s murder. A solid twist at the near end of the episode this week! That was unexpected, that’s for sure.
8. Kate visits Jacob in prison, and eventually they come to terms that they will go after Alice, and Kate will not stop Jacob. FINALLY.
9. Nash Wells gets a surprise scene at the end! A tease for Crisis. We see him right after he finds the symbols on last weeks episode of The Flash! Crisis is so CLOSE!
What I Disliked
1. Mary guilt tripping Kate into going to some form of party that’s for Catherine, then moaning way too much because Kate doesn’t want to go – for obvious reasons. I think under the circumstance, most people would understand the reasons behind Kate NOT wanting to go. A small dislike, but one that kind of annoyed me.
2. Alice finds her way back on this list. Purely after the chat with Jacob. Why, why, why does she have to basically spill her master plan every time she’s gained the upper hand? It’s becoming predictable to some degree now. Even Kate tells her that she’s became predictable.
3. Sophie, and Tyler tied up, talking about Kate, and Sophie’s relationship was so boring, and completely uninteresting. I just really don’t care.
4. You expect a massive moment when Kate finally catches up with Alice after Catherine is pretty much dead. However, what a massive disappointment. Of course, you kind of did expect it not to go Kate’s way (again), but you kinda hoped she would. Kate is knocked out AGAIN, with such ease. You would think she would do what’s best for Gotham by locking her up, but nope, she does the polar opposite of that. Literally knocked out every episode I believe thus far.
Favourite Moment
After Catherine collapsing and the building going dark, Kate’s already geared up waiting. She takes out multiple of Alice’s goons, but does so in spectacular fashion. Only a short 30-45 second scene, but a good one nonetheless.
Standout Character
Alice gets the award this week. She was brutal, and you kind of understood her reasoning behind her actions. Especially in killing Catherine, it leaves an impact as I said above. Predictable to a degree, but destructive at the same time.
A very hit and miss episode. Some parts of the episode were incredible, others, well, not so much. I do feel it’s put Alice in a much better light due to her actions this week. Kate was disappointing for the most part, but I do feel like the entire series is beginning to heat up.