Season 1 Episode 17 “Batwoman encounters a new challenge when an old villain resurfaces; Alice’s limits are tested.”
What I Liked
1. The episode begins with Alice and Kate having a good time, playing video games, enjoying each other’s companies – I knew it was just a simulation from Arkham. This scene was solid, mainly due to the fact we keep getting hints of the potential of Kate and Alice’s relationship as siblings.
2. Kate has a panic attack shortly after kicking a jewel thief down the stairs. This hits home, especially after suffering these throughout my own life. It also shows that even superheroes can suffer as well.
3. Julia coming flying with a weird tactful approach when it comes to Kate. Straight forward, and blunt which really worked wonders.
4. That explosion, evacuation, lockdown, was incredibly well done and so impressive. The intensity you feel when the timer is going is crazy. I’m still surprised how Kate and Mary survived that.
5. Shortly after the explosion, the copycat Batwoman is hit. After Kate goes into panic attack mode again, and Mary confronts her, finally letting out that she knows Kate is Batwoman.
6. I didn’t like the idea that Mouse and Alice were going to escape this early on, but the tactics behind it were actually pretty damn good. Especially when Mouse stabs the doctor that is basically torturing both him and Alice.
7. Sophie is now recruited by Jacob again to co-lead a strike team, alongside Julia. I really like this! They’ve made a great team this episode so I’m happy to see more of it.
8. After Mouse steals the doctors face, instead of them breaking out – they decide to stay and run Arkham from the inside. Different, and completely unexpected.
9. Luke drops a huge bombshell at the end of the episode after Kate mentions that she broke Batman’s code. Joker is NOT in Arkham. From my understanding of this, Bruce killed the Joker FIVE years ago, around the same time Batman went missing.
What I Disliked
1. I am disliking the fact that there are others out there that know Kate killed August, yet Luke is kept in the dark about it? It really doesn’t make sense considering he’s one of the main people in the entire show that is deemed “trustworthy”. I get that she fears his reaction, but really? She does tell him towards the end of the episode, but it still deserves a dislike considering it took so long.
2. Although I did like the fact the panic attacks brought attention to the cause as seen in one of my likes and I stand by that, but they happened awfully frequent during the episode. They were always at the worst times, and it did become slightly annoying to watch.
Favourite Moment
Turns out the Detonator is someone that works for the Crows. He manages to get Jacob into a chair with a bomb strapped to his chest. I put this here because it’s beginning to highlight how corrupt the Crows actually are, instead of being this all-mighty police force above the GCPD.
Kate manages to figure out who it is, and it also turns out that it’s the exact same person who killed Lucius Fox. Luke then shows up with a gun after Batwoman apprehends him, which just make it all that more interesting!
Standout Character
Luke gets it this week for me. It was tough for me to decide this week as each character had their positives, however, Luke edges it. Especially at the moment, he finds out who killed his father. He’s willing to go there, and that’s what I like about him!
Another great episode this week. Edgy, intense, and every single character played their respective roles incredibly. Batwoman is very quickly becoming the dominant CW show and I’m on board with that!
Rating 9.2/10