Season 1 Episode 19 “When members of Gotham’s intelligentsia begin disappearing, Cmdr. Kane, Sophie and the Crows go searching for the newest homicidal threat to the city; Kate starts questioning the loyalty of everyone around her just when she needs them most.”
What I Liked
1. First proper look into Hush at the beginning and he looks absolutely terrifying with his entire face wrapped in bandages. A great start into seeing the character eventually.
2. No time wasted with Kate who hunts down the bartender pretty much at the beginning of the episode. The woman does just spill everything out to Kate with very little persuasion. She also tells Kate she told Julia everything, so that’s interesting.
3. Brutality from Alice and her group as they managed to kidnap both Luke and Julia to decipher Lucius Fox’s journal. Kind of on the edge of “they deserve it” right about now.
4. Actually enjoyed seeing Batwoman drop into Arkham, seeing her suits detective side and what the suit is capable of can only mean good things going forward. I know it only showed us her honing I’m on sound frequencies, but it does also show the potential the suit has.
5. Jacob threatens Batwoman to get out now, otherwise, there will be war. I really liked the tension here, especially being daughter and father. This will only get even more interesting when he figures out that she’s Kate.
What I Disliked
1. Luke’s attitude was awful. He’s supposed to work alongside Batwoman, trust her judgement, and potential threats. When Kate goes to him he shuts her straight down, without even barely listening.
2. Taking a huff and disappearing deserves another dislike. Essentially leaving Mary to do the computer stuff when there’s a new villain in town. What a wreck.
3. Hush looked amazing, terrifying, but he was so incredibly underwhelming. He just didn’t do anything that really made him a villain that was worth shouting about, definitely forgettable.
Favourite Moment
As the prisoners were released by Alice in Arkham, of course, a riot breaks out. Batwoman just walks in like it’s nothing, and just one by one beats the living daylights out of them. She reminded me, Robin, the way she fought here.
Standout Character
It was a tough week for this one because personally I don’t believe anybody really stood out to me. However, if I am to pick someone, even just based on the Arkham scene alone, then it’s going to be Kate.
One of the weaker episodes of the series if I’m being brutally honest here. Hush was lacklustre, Luke was annoying, Julia is irritating, in fact, pretty much every character was irritating. I really hope next week is a huge improvement.
Rating 7.3/10