Season 1 Episode 11 “On the Kane sisters’ birthday, Kate and Alice contend with demons from the past; an unexpected guest makes a surprise appearance in Gotham”.
What I Liked
01. The confusion continues this episode you quickly come to the realisation that the Beth we saw last episode, seems to actually be Beth. However, it seems to be a post-crisis Beth where she survives the crash, but it’s Kate that saves her. I remain sceptical at this point, but if this road it’s going down then I’m all up for it.
02. Seems like Mouse isn’t the Alice that’s locked up so that bodes well. He seems to have two hostages locked in some form of a van and requests for Alice’s release. The character development is great here for Mouse in this short scene, because you see small bits of Alice in there, showing how much he’s learned from her.
03. May be reading too much into this. Beth explains to Kate that it was her that saved her. Now, imagine being in Kate’s position here? The circumstances were the same. The crash and the position of the car remained similar to what we have saw. She could have saved Beth. Even in this timeline, this Earth. The mother was always destined to meet her end, but I hope they continue with this.
04. Beth bouncing in with a plan with Luke was great. Making herself into Alice to trick Mouse into thinking she got released, even I didn’t think of that! – see dislike 2.
05. Near the end when the public is protesting outside of the GCPD building demanding the bat signal is turned back on. Batwoman decides to make an appearance. It was nothing huge, but it was a badass moment. They have FINALLY got the mask right.
06. At the end of the episode we see both Alice and Beth get some sort of painful headache at the same time. Another cliffhanger ending. What does this mean? Can no doppelgängers be on the same earth anymore? Was Marie right when she had her take on the multiverse and referred to Beth as an “added extra” in an Ikea shelf box. Was she right? Essentially in terms of that Ikea shelf box, that extra part wouldn’t be needed right? You would throw it out. This series is getting so good.
What I Disliked
01. I don’t care who you are. You are NOT surviving that kind of crash ever. Of course completely outplayed by Mouse as well.
02. Predictably Beth’s plan went down the gutter immediately. Whilst I agree she kind of went in blind, it was just way too predictable.
03. Predictability follows, of course Alice escapes that easily. Even when she’s transported by guards from the Crows.
Favourite Moment
I was expecting more predictability when Beth was trapped in the car, that Kate wouldn’t save her. You could see the motivation on Kate’s face trying to get her out. You feel it, and you can tell it brought back memories from the crash.
Standout Character
Beth/Alice get it for me this week. Rachel Skarsten does an incredible job portraying two different characters with different personalities. Not to mention the story is heating up purely because of both of these characters.
Batwoman is getting better more so as the story is heating up more with twists at every turn. However some very predictable scenes do tend to let the episode down. More importantly I’m really enjoying the show right now. It took a while but now I genuinely look forward to the next episodes of the series.