Season 1 Episode 9 “The group uses Ray’s invention to track new recruits to help save the universe. The Monitor sends Iris, Clark and Lois in search of a mysterious Kryptonian, while Kate and Kara head out to find Bruce Wayne. In addition, Mia challenges Sara, Rory discovers a hidden talent, and Lex Luthor returns.”
What I Liked
1. Kara speaking sense here. I for one did not like the idea that Oliver died so early in the Crisis. Undoing everything would be a good shout, bring Oliver back and let him have a proper death. His death last episode just, well, it didn’t feel like the end yet.
2. When the Monitor is explaining Oliver’s death to everyone. Clark’s baby begins crying. They pass him along to each hero where the baby continues crying. Until, the baby gets to Mick. Heat Wave. Kal’s face is just a picture. A small, but funny moment given the circumstances with Oliver.
3. Lex Luthor makes an appearance! I am so glad it’s Jon Cryer that’s returned as the character. Kara’s reaction when the Monitor brings him in.
4. I like this relationship between Kate, and Kara. It feels similar to the Batman/Superman vibe, just female. It brings that level of Justice League feeling to the table when those two are working together, not only that, they’re on the hunt for Earth-99 Bruce Wayne. The Kingdom Come Batman.
5. Barry going deep. I never even thought I would hear the Lazarus Pit some out of his mouth, but he’s thinking about using a pit on a different earth to resurrect Oliver. I do like the fact the other heroes are thinking of ways to try and save him. Mia is already searching for a pit, Sara wasn’t best pleased when she figured out what they were doing.
6. And Bruce Wayne finally makes an appearance in the CW shows. After all the teases, we finally get him. Also, let’s not miss out the name drop of Clayface from Bruce here as well. This Bruce here, originally had the “no killing” code, but has now lost track of how many people he’s killed. On this earth, Kate tried to take over Bruce, but died in the process.
It does turn out on the back of this, Bruce killed his earth’s Superman, but in the process of doing that, Superman put him in his exo-suit.
7. John Constantine makes a return this episode. Helping Mia, and Barry find a pit for Oliver. Sara also makes John promise he can also return Oliver’s soul.
8. Smallville Superman makes an appearance. Lex shows up to kill him, however is completely thrown off when this earth’s Kal has completely given up his powers. He does however get a solid punch on Lex before Lex gives up and disappears.
9. After Smallville’s Superman, the end up on Earth-96, with Brandon Routh as Superman this time. This sure does bring back a lot of memories when I was a kid, seeing Brandon as Kal-El. Especially seeing both Kal’s suit up, ready for Lex.
He shows up, turning the Brandon Routh Superman against our Clark. A solid fight pursues with both Superman’s, however with Lois using the book, she manages to stop it.
10. Sara, and Mia fighting Jonah Hex for the pit was just so good. What a fight scene!
What I Disliked
1. Not much annoyed me this episode. However, Lois dismantling Lex for the Book of Destiny the way that she did was annoying. Lex is smarter and more intelligent to not realise Lois and Iris is lurking around.
2. Kind of thought two things with the Kingdom Come Batman. Either we were going to see a badass suit up moment. That didn’t happen because this Bruce isn’t exactly a nice guy. The other when he punched Kara was for an epic fight scene to happen. It didn’t. He died so easily. Exo-suit or not, it’s still Batman. I kind of expected more.
3. Of course, they bring Oliver back and John’s powers stop working the moment they tried to get his soul back. Predictable, and just annoying. I wasn’t keen on the Lazarus to begin with, but I wanted Oliver back so I let it go. The bloodlust thing can just stop right now, I don’t want this again. I let it go purely because John was there to stop it instantly.

Favourite Moment
We finally got our first look at the Anti-Monitor. At the very end he brings Harbringer on board. I know it’s the same actor, but it’s about time he finally showed up.
Standout Character
Out of all the characters on part 2, this was tough. However, Kate edges it this week for me. She had the most progression in terms of everyone. Her scenes were strong, and the kryponite tease at the very end.
Crisis on Infinite Earths continues to be everything I wanted it to be. So many characters that we would have never dreamed of getting during Arrow’s first season. The episode brought a Harry Potter styled story, and each character had their very own role to play. Another solid episode.
Rating 10/10