Season 1 Episode 18 “Batwoman enlists Luke and Julia for an undercover mission to recover one of the most important items from her cousin’s arsenal; Alice gets an unexpected visit from Jacob Kane; Mary tries to prove herself to Kate.”
What I Liked
1. What a start to the show. Seriously what a start! Batwoman back in the suit, and absolutely dominating people. She shows up after some form of human trafficking is set to take place, and she literally clotheslines someone. That’s what I’ve been wanting to see for a while.
2. Tommy seems to join forces with Alice and Mouse. Offering Tommy the ability to become anybody he wants to be – now call me curious, but he wants to be Bruce more than anything. Could we get a Bruce Wayne casting?
3. I’m actually impressed by the villains this week, especially the way they set up Batwoman and Julia. Using Lucius’ journal as a trap was actually well thought out. This Tommy character who gave the tip is becoming more interesting as the time goes on.
4. Kind of getting weird Hostel vibes when it comes to this episode. Batwoman being sold at an auction, and Tommy’s face being completely taken off to fake his death. I love the edgy side of this series.
5. I was edging on a verge of a dislike for Mary this episode, the need to prove herself was just poor. However, her confidence walking into the auction, and saving Batwoman herself deserves a like!
6. Good old Lucius still ruining people’s efforts, even in death. The journal everyone was hunting for all episode turns out to be written entirely in code. That was a great twist at the end.
What I Disliked
1. They could have brought back any other sub-villain, but this Magpie Catwoman knock off is just so bad. Is it me, or does she look about 14 years old? It’s even worse she managed to get away so now we’re going to get more of this. However, I’m confused by the end. Did they just recast her at the end?!
2. I’m really hoping at the end when Julia was on the phone, that she doesn’t have some form of hidden agenda. I really hope not, but it felt that way and I honestly did not like it.
Favourite Moment
More ass-kicking dominance from Batwoman. As soon as she’s freed by Mary, she just manhandles the majority of people in that room with great skill. I really enjoyed the Batwoman side this episode.
Standout Character
None other than Batwoman herself deserves it this week. The beginning and ends of the episode and her just absolutely destroying people left and right was great to watch. It was nice to have a more Batwoman eccentric episode this week.
Another great episode as we edge further towards the end of the season. Action-packed in parts of the show, new major villains stepping up to the plate, and an overall good episode. This is easily becoming one of my favourite CW shows.
Rating 9/10