Season 1 Episode 6 “When a disturbing death has Gotham reeling, the city reaches out for its new vigilante hero; Sophie asks Jacob for a special assignment; Alice continues her nefarious plot against the Kanes; Batwoman pays another visit to Mary.”
What I Liked
1. Joker name drop.
2. Luke Fox has just explained what happened to his father, Lucius. It turns out he’s actually dead in this series, which is the reason why we have never saw him. Bit poor the way his death was described. Armed robbery, shot. That’s it. Still though, it’s nice to see what happened.
3. As Sophie and Batwoman end up on a mission, Sophie manages to get shot with a turret meant for a trap. Before passing out, she mentions to Batwoman that she knows she’s Kate.
4. The Executioner leaves a USB flash drive behind, with a taped confession on it. Now, it’s incredibly interesting his reasoning behind his killings. Police corruption in the law abided executions is what pushes him over the edge, arguably in someway agreeing with him over Kate.
5. Jonathan and Alice begin to clash, more so out of pure jealousy on Jonathan’s part. I like the idea that Alice is trying so desperately to be evil, yet you can sense the struggle within that. When he called her pretending to be Kate, it’s just a different scenario.

What I Disliked
1. Sophie is without a shadow of a doubt, the most annoying, and uninteresting character in the entire Arrowverse. She holds barely any purpose, is consistently finding any reason to whinge. I really hope this turns around with her character, because 6 episodes in, I couldn’t care less if the character leaves.
2. Luke Fox was awfully helpless this episode. He’s been so technical the opening episodes, showing huge potential as a character. However this episode he’s just been useless.
3. Although I put this as a good, I’m still placing it on my dislikes. Lucius Fox dying the way that he did actually angered me the more the episode went on. I still like the fact we now know what happened, but I feel he deserved a more worthy death.
Favourite Moment
As the courtroom is drained of oxygen, Batwoman, and Jacob are the forefront of near death. As Jacob is slowly collapsing, he mentions why he blames the badge. It was emotional, and you could sense this so strongly in Kate.
Standout Character
There was not anybody who really stood out this week for me. If I have to give this very prestigious weekly award to someone, then I guess it goes to the star of the show. Kate Kane showed some dominance as Batwoman. Luke was completely off the ball this episode, Batwoman showed some independence which was good. I really just want to see her dominate multiple enemies.
I feel this week was exceptionally boring at so many different points. Some plots were unnecessary, and some of the characters were at the very worst this week. We need more Batwoman, detective, and gadgets. So far we have had none of this.
Rating 7/10