Season 1 Episode 5 “Alice takes Kate down the sad, winding road of her life in the days after the accident; Mary has an argument with Catherine that sends her looking for Kate at Wayne Tower, but she becomes unwelcome company for Luke.”
What I Liked
1. In with a decent start this week. Kate suits up to stop Alice, and this is the first badass moment we’ve got from Batwoman. She takes out at least half a dozen guys with pure ease. More importantly, she manages to capture Alice.
2. Luke’s reaction when Mary shows up was priceless. Especially watching his face as Mary explains what happened with her and her Mom.
3. As the episode progresses you sense the jealousy in Mary when she’s breaking down to Luke. You feel that. Especially how it would be to have someone choose a “bad” person over you. We’ve all been there. Nicole Kang is a fantastic actor, and she plays these scenes so well.
4. Beth/Alice actually managed to make a phone call to Jacob, and the call was traced. Jacob then turns up. However he uses his sons “ability” to voice change to throw Jacob off. That has got to be heartbreaking. Even more emotional when Kate and Beth are on opposite ends of the wall, however Beth cannot say anything and just cries instead. A truly heart wrenching moment, the two young actors have done an incredible job here.
What I Disliked
1. After capturing Alice, what do you know, Alice is out ONCE AGAIN. How dumb can Kate actually get? It just comes across as way too easy for Alice. She plays the victim, or the unknown card then Kate falls for it. Whilst I feel it’s absolutely necessary to explain Alice’s lore, it should’ve been done in a different way.
2. After my previous comment, Kate is also now dumb enough to get drugged by a woman that is handcuffed. It’s laughable at this point, irregardless if it was the barman, or Alice who put the drug in. Why let her out in the first place? You’d think she would just get Alice to explain whilst she’s in the cell.
3. Following the dumb people making dumb decisions. Shout out to Jacob. He got stabbed, because of his stupidity.

Favourite Moments
1. Learning Alice’s backstory after the crash was well needed and well accepted to understand the character more. Especially the creepy guy that found her.
2. Mary actually ordered a pizza after looking at human skin carving. She’s incredible.
The Verdict
Batwoman delivers the backstory to our main villain of the season thus far, it was dark, eerie, grim, however well needed for the character. Although we only got a tiny piece of the story, I’m excited for more.
Rating: 9/10