Season 1 Episode 12 “Luke and Mary are tasked with finding the cause behind Beth’s debilitating headaches; a visitor delivers some good news to Jacob; Sophie takes her new role to the extreme; Alice makes a devastating discovery.”
What I Liked
1. Mary attempting to lie to the Crows with Beth in the back was hilarious. Typical timing of Beth receiving the screech, though! After they’re caught, Batwoman swoops in with some crazy skills on her bike. An impressive start, I must admit.
2. Of course, we all kind of knew the headaches Alice and Beth were receiving were down to them both existing in the same world. Which kind of spins the multiverse in a weird way, but it’s nice to have it cemented. Either Alice, or Beth has to go and that’s the best thing about this. Unless Cisco from S.T.A.R Labs manages to whip up a cure in a few minutes.
3. Beth and Alice go face to face. One of the moments I’ve been excited to see the minute we realised that there were two Beth’s on the same planet. The truth also comes out that on Beth’s earth, Kate managed to save her. Alice’s reaction was great!
4. The doctor everyone was trying to figure out, turns out to be none other than Johnny’s father. This was expected I have to admit, it wasn’t something I really cared for but it will definitely add a good twist for Alice’s story.
5. Alice’s sinister ways continue. After Mary manages to escape with the injection that would hold off her dying, she manages to grab the phone and set Beth up with the Crows. Clever! Very clever.
6. As Alice is on her death bed, a vision of Catherine shows up and watches down as she slowly dies. It gets more intense as the episode goes.

What I Disliked
1. Jacob gets brutally stabbed. I mean seriously, who’s getting up to fight after that? You can see the blood being lost after the fight, it makes zero sense. There could’ve been an impact here, but no, of course this random guy who works for Alice explains his life story instead of just finishing Jacob. However, nice save by the dude at the end.
2. An overwhelming dislike of pure predictability. I literally waited to write anything as I knew Alice would survive. Ridiculous. I hate everything about this, and it completely ruined the episode for me. While I think now it’s going to get brutal with Alice, I just feel like it was time to move on. Far too predictable from the very start.
Favourite Moment
Still not many people know of Kate’s alter ego, however she shows Beth who she is. Although you kind of grasp that Alice will be the one to survive, I still really liked this scene.
Standout Character
Alice/Beth. Portraying two characters with such different personalities was exceptional, and credit has to be given where credit is due.
An episode that had so many highs, let down by a monumentally disappointing end. This episode could’ve hit such a high point if predictability never swooped in toward the end. Genuinely feel so let down. The 8/10 is deserved because of how good the rest of the episode was, but I base my ratings over the entire episode, and that let down near the end was too much.