Season 1 Episode 7 “Kate and Sophie must reconcile with their past, as Kate questions just how much she can trust her former lover; Kate and Luke have an encounter with an old friend; Mary grapples with the fate of the Kane family; Catherine seeks Jacob’s help.”
What I Liked
1. A good opening sequence. What looked to be a Deadshot lookalike, Batwoman manages to stop him before killing his third target. Luke’s dialogue when investigating deserves a mention here also.
2. Julia Pennyworth makes an appearance. Daughter of Alfred. This came as quite the surprise to me. I personally never even knew Alfred had a daughter. I just had to a run a quick Google search to catch up.
3. If this can be a continuing team going forward, I will be happy. It will be nice to get a fully fledged Bat-team going on. Kate, Luke, Julia, and Mary. I like it.
4. I’m not sure if this belonged on the likes, or dislikes. Essentially, Sophie and her big mouth told Jacob that Kate is Batwoman. I like it because I’m glad that he now knows. However, on the flip side. It’s Sophie. Going to point 6, it brings that further interesting aspect to this.
5. Kate telling Sophie that she finally needs to let it all go between them was fairly emotional. As much as I dislike Sophie. You can feel the heartbreak from Kate, even while she’s doing it with a smile.
6. A huge twist at the end of the episode. Joseph has been Jacob all episode. This adds an element of surprise. So many questions. What’s he done? This is going to be good.

What I Disliked
1. Sophie, again, what an absolute nightmare. I’ve never known a character to annoy me as much as she does. She brings next to nothing to the story.
2. That entire restaurant scene was just unnecessary. I get it brings awareness to the LGBT community, however it was just unrealistic. Especially from an establishment that’s meant to be huge.
3. The breakup between Jacob, and Catherine is boring. It had potential but at this rate, it’s got old extremely quickly. However, with the fact Catherine told Joseph everything is something else.
4. The first two thirds of this episode were beyond boring. Thankfully it managed to turn around near the end, but it felt filler, and that was fairly impactful.
Favourite Moment
As Sophie attempts to save Kate. It turns out Julia is in the Batwoman suit as Sophie spills her heart out. She’s shot with the gun that’s been the focal point of this episode. Survives. More importantly, we learn that it was Alice that tampered with the gun to protect Kate.
An interesting twist, that’s for sure.
Standout Character
This is tough, because quite frankly I feel nobody really deserved it. However, if I am to give this prestigious award to anybody then I guess it has to go to Kate.
An episode that got good the last 15 minutes or so, was incredibly boring to begin with. I felt myself losing interest, however a few twists and turns managed to turn that around.
Rating 8.2/10