Season 1 Episode 16 “Kate begins to question her instincts; Luke gets upsetting news; Alice seeks her sister’s help with a special task.”
What I Liked
1. Seemingly, Mouse has taken out most of the members from Alice’s “group”, making this incredibly interesting, especially considering he’s just as twisted as she is.
2. When Kate and Alice go to the nurse’s house; we see the best side of Alice. The sarcastic, and b*tchy side – which in hindsight is the absolute best version of her.
3. Julia Pennyworth is back!
4. Whilst Alice is boasting at being better at handling a flip knife than Kate, Mouse turns up. However, he’s very quickly arrested by Jacob and the Crows. I kind of didn’t expect that to happen if I’m honest.
5. A heartbreaking moment between Luke and Reggie after his release. It’s one of those scenes you need to watch, but he’s killed straight after and you don’t expect that kind of emotion from Luke.
What I Disliked
1. Alice: “family reunion is over”. Less than 5 minutes later. Alice to Kate: “I need your help”. Just, I don’t know what to say but this is what annoys me more than anything about this series. Yes, Kate stupidly agrees to help as well.
2. A pathetic fight between Kate and Alice pursues after Alice essentially admits she set Kate up to kill August. It could have been more of a fight but instead, it only lasted a couple of seconds.
3. After the turning point with Alice. Kate and Jacob lock her in the cell alongside Mouse. Whilst I agree it’s the right thing to do, I was enjoying the scenes between them. Now it’s back to square one, and you know it’s going to be.
Favourite Moment
The entire scene of Kate fighting the head of security and the guards were absolutely sensational. The entire breakout does deserve a mention for being incredibly entertaining.
Standout Character
Alice does take it again this week. We saw a much better side of her that I really thoroughly enjoyed. As mentioned above, that sarcastic, yet funny side was great. It’s just a shame how it ended for her.
Another great episode. The series is heating up as it eventually draws to a close. There are so many questions that need answers, and unfortunately, we won’t see any of those until at least April. I’ll be honest, this is a series I massively expected to fail. More importantly, it’s exceeding expectations as it continues to impress every week.
Rating 9/10