Season 5 Episode 16 “Alex uses a pair of obsidian contact lenses to visit a virtual National City where she takes on a whole new persona; Kelly helps William investigate Lex; Kara deals with difficult news.”
What I Liked
1. Alex’s reaction to the funeral at the beginning of the episode was surprisingly welcomed. Basically due to the fact this is the same guy that walked out on both of them several different times. It would be tough to not be in the same as Alex in this situation. Although you know she will end up going in the end as this show is awfully predictable, the reaction, and acting on hand here was great.
2. Never thought I’d say this, but Alex looked amazing in that suit. Not to mention the suit itself was beautiful.
3. As Alex is in the virtual reality we get shots of J’onn as the Director. These are the times of the show that I miss so this was a nice little throwback.
4. Thank the Lord for Kelly in this instance. She manages to get into the simulation to help Alex. However, as she’s in, she manages to eject and speak to Andrea about the “glitch”.
5. Clever skills by Kelly though, infiltrating the VR with a younger version of Alex! I do kind of like the way it maneuvers around in this setting. However, my only gripe is that it can be fairly confusing.
What I Disliked
The lack of Kara lately is beginning to be incredibly noticeable. Understandably Melissa is pregnant, so portraying Supergirl can be difficult. I do believe they should make Alex as Supergirl for the remainder of the season. She did great.
Favourite Moment
The initial entry into the VR, the first glimpse of the black and blue Supergirl was incredible. I know it was only brief, but it did throw me back a little how amazing that suit is.
Standout Character
It’s an easy choice this week; Alex. The acting skills by Chyler Leigh were incredible. Not to mention she actually did an amazing job as Supergirl, even putting it on par with Melissa’s portrayal.
Upon reading the synopsis I just edged away from watching this because I simply thought it was going to be disappointing. It’s safe to say I was wrong, I’m enjoyably surprised at how good the episode was. The ark of the main story is finally heating up, and for the first time in a long time – I’m excited for the next episode in April.
Rating 8.8/10