Season 5 Episode 12 “Supergirl helps Winn face his greatest fear; after Alex sets out to find evidence against Lex, Brainy must decide between helping his friend or continuing to secretly work for Lex.”
What I Liked
1. Toyman seems to become some sort of AI. It’s a very interesting take, and Winn’s version of this particular character makes it all the more interesting.
2. I really love how sinister and intelligent Lex is. He’s just 100 steps of everything and knows exactly how each conversation is going to go. Although human, and mortal, it really shows how he’s able to go toe to toe with Supergirl.
3. Finally Alex manages to catch Brainiac in the act, and also understands the change in his attitude since he took his inhibitor off. It’s nice to see some of the group catching on.
4. Those Lex suits are absolutely incredible! No other words needed for them.
5. Alex quits the DEO. To be honest this is welcomed to a great extent. I preferred Alex during season 1 when she was under the leadership of J’onn and now she’s going to be once more. I really like this new route for Alex.
What I Disliked
1. These “premium” lenses make no sense. How does eye lenses give the body nutrients from virtual reality food? I know this is a “superhero” show and to expect over the top stuff, but this over the top of over the top. It makes zero sense as to how or why this is even physically possible.
2. Kara walking up to William, explaining she’s not interested wasn’t the best move for the episode. I kind of liked where that relationship was heading, and I think that was a poor way to go about it.
Favourite Moment
Brainiac doing the Matrix to avoid those shots from the Lex suits was just awesome though! Leroy Jenkins before dodging everything. I loved this scene.
Standout Character
It was a tough one this week, but I am going to have to give it to Brainiac. It’s purely down to his character. Albeit annoying at times due to the change, he just shows when it’s really needed and his Leroy Jenkins outburst just won it for me. Not to mention you kind of know he’s playing Lex, while Lex is playing him as well.
One of the better episodes of Supergirl this season. Although I was extremely tired watching and reviewing this, I still thoroughly the entire episode. There was a couple of let downs, but mostly this episode sets up interesting arks, especially moving forward.
Rating 9/10