Season 5 Episode 6 “While a new villain is under arrest at the D.E.O., Supergirl uses him to find information on who is responsible for the recent attacks; Andrea and Lena think back on their tumultuous past.”
What I Liked
1. At the start we see an extremely agile woman taking down DEO guards left, and right. Confusing Supergirl, and Alex missing every shot. She fails at saving Rip Roar, however after the failure, we realise it’s Andrea. The woman who now owns CatCo.
2. Jon Cryer is back as Lex. Unfortunately as of right now it is only in flashback scenes, however it is incredible to see him. He was the absolute best part of last season.
3. During the flashback, Lena and Andrea go on the hunt for the medallion. However Andrea falls through the floor, and a random dude shows up explaining that it’s her fate to take it, and never to speak of it. I think this is the main reason why Lena and Andrea have a mass amount of tension surrounding them.
4. We find out the reasoning behind Andrea’s attempt to save Rip Roar from the DEO at the beginning of the episode. It turns out, they were in fact in a relationship. It’s nice knowing all of the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together.
5. The old woman from the previous episode that told Rip Roar about Lex’s failure, is what the old man was mentioning when Andrea found the medallion. The medallion gives her powers. Interesting, that’s for sure.
6. Backpack Doctor Octopus Rip Roar is ALMOST given his freedom. That was up until one of the men from the medallion shoots him, essentially killing him.

What I Disliked
1. Andrea was told not to show the medallion. Not to speak of it etc. Lena knows of the medallion, so stupidly, she decides to wear it as a necklace at a party. Obviously Lena shows up to see her wearing it.
2. J’onn is a joke. A literal joke of this entire series. He’s the MARTIAN MANHUNTER! He literally got incapacitated in seconds, and Andrea wasn’t even using her powers. What a huge let down.
Favourite Moment
As good as the episode was, there wasn’t any moments that really stood out for me this week. So for that reason, I will have to pass on this. If I have to choose one, it would be Jon Cryer returning briefly as Lex.
Standout Character
Andrea Rojas stole the show this week. We learn so much about her. On the back of that, her acting was sensational. She really stood out for me this week.
A Lena and Andrea eccentric episode this week, which shows the background of their relationship. It was great, the best episode of the season so far. However J’onn does let me down again here, his character needs an overhaul as soon as possible or he needs to go. He was abysmal this week. However, great advancement on the story going forward. Some questions answered that we desperately needed answers to.
Rating 9/10