Season 5 Episode 5 “On the eve of the worldwide launch of Andrea Rojas’s virtual reality contact lenses, Kara and William team up on an investigation that exposes a terrorist plot; Kelly and Alex celebrate an anniversary, but Alex’s safety is in jeopardy.
What I Liked
1. I have barely understood William’s character the first couple of episodes. More importantly though, we learn why he’s sneaky around CatCo. I still believe that he is not all what it seems. This is Supergirl after all.
2. J’onn actually goes on a mission with Kara to stop the Robocop/Doctor Octopus rip off, Rip Roar.
3. The Obsidian contact lenses finally launch. William has them in and we see a glimpse of what he would say to Andrea Rojas. Whilst we see the lenses in actual action, I would have loved to see him actually confront her like that.
What I Disliked
1. The Spider-Man villain a couple episodes ago was bad enough. However, this week we have a Doc Oc based villain. I get these are villains that are in the actual comics, I’m not disputing that. However they could have changed the villain for this week. I know it’s a minor dislike but it’s a slight annoyance.
2. Braniac takes the spider symbiote thing, it was just overwhelmingly cringeworthy to watch.
Favourite Moment
Lena finally invents the tech to use the same power as the Martians. She can control others thoughts with the research from Malefik. Interesting to see how Lena is going to use all of these inventions from the research she’s been doing.
The Verdict
Another average episode this week. There was nothing really to shout home about. Lena’s story however is setting up to be something spectacular, so I am massively looking forward to the advancements of that.