Season 5 Episode 17 “Lex proceeds to lay an intricate plan to bring Lena closer to him, defeat Leviathan’s latest attack, and pit Supergirl against Leviathan. Meanwhile, how Lex came into power after Crisis is revealed.”
What I Liked
1. A quick start which makes this week quite interesting. You know straight away it’s going to be a Lex focused episode after Crisis. I’m always happy to see more Lex.
2. I’ve got to admit, hearing Lex explain his plans to Eve is impressive. I think even casual fans can only be impressed at how many steps ahead he is of everything and everyone. Brilliant.
3. Well, Lex had Jeremiah assassinated. That’s just put a great twist right in place. I think a wars brewing. See my favourite moment.
What I Disliked
1. Twist after twist after twist after twist with Eve. They could have literally used any other character for this. The 7th turn or wherever we are at the moment is boring. I’m actually glad the twist switched with Lex at the end.
2. I understand that they can’t travel around the world for a quick scene, but come on, the CGI backgrounds for Lex were disastrous.
3. Lena continues to be one of the draining characters of the show. Spends most of the season hating Supergirl for a ridiculous reason, and she’s then questioning why Supergirl is using Myriad, and going back down this pathetic “treating me like a villain” ark.
4. J’onn continuing to be such an underrated character in the show. Every single time he gets involved he gets ruined so easily.
Favourite Moment
Wow, Lex just absolutely made Eve look ridiculous. He was putting her up to fail at every step of the way. He even told Eve an agent killed her father, in doing so, he actually put her against Jeremiah. What a twist.
Standout Character
Obviously there isn’t much competition this week. Lex takes it. The episode was all about him, not only that, we get to see just how much of a genius he really is. He has contingency plans for contingency plans and just knows the best time to strike for anything. He’s definitely been the best part of Supergirl since coming in.
Although it was Lex focused, I just struggled to find anything to shout home about this week. Incredibly disappointing episode.
Rating 6.7/10