Season 5 Episode 4 “Kara’s investigation into William Dey’s “criminal” activities results in the shocking revelation he is not who she thinks; the conflict between Malefic and J’onn J’onzz reaches a boiling point.”
What I Liked
1. Brainiac putting a brace face on after the breakup was great. We have all been there at some point, acting tough but deep down, dying to know what the other is saying, or thinking. Brainiac has been one of the stronger characters this season, and he’s literally pretty much just in a relationship.
2. James, and Kelly helping the kids throughout the episode was a nice tough. Brings that inspirational touch to the fold.
3. Alex (mind controller by Malefic) goes in at J’onn. Explaining how Malefic initially wasn’t a bad guy, and only is that because of what J’onn did to him. It was hard hitting, more so because it’s actually the truth. However I just wish J’onn would wake up a bit more.
4. The twist and turns with Malefic near the end of the episode was solid. Questionable decisions from Malefic no doubt, but the rest was good. Guardians suit is beautiful.

What I Disliked
1. Alex’s mind got taken over way too easily. Incredibly predictable as well.
2. J’onn being a whinge as per. Alex has a blaster to take out Malefic easily. Nope, J’onn wants to take the ridiculously difficult way for absolutely no reason besides that’s his brother.
Favourite Moments
1. James’ story ark this season is perhaps the most interesting of the series thus far. Showing how corruption can happen in small towns, especially with a prison. Also showing how journalists can really help the little guy, that’s important, not just for the show, but in real life as well.
2. It looks like another solid character is leaving. James. Going back off the first favourite moment, James decides to buy the Calvintown Gazette. He employs Simon immediately, what a guy. I really hope this isn’t the last we see of him. I’m still caught up on Mon El and Winn.
The Verdict
Some positives to take away from this weeks episode. James’ ark was solid, and a perfect way to see him go. Supergirl has had some less than desirable episodes, but this was genuinely just a nice touch. I’m just gutted the Guardian suit is finished.
Rating: 8.1/10