Season 5 Episode 13 “Mxyzptlk returns with a proposition for Kara; Kara must decide if she wants to change history to become friends with Lena again.”
What I Liked
1. Kara is being given the chance to go back to before she told Lena who she is by Mxyzptlk. Eventually, someone is given her the chance to erase this absolute awful storyline. I write my reviews as I go and I know it won’t end up like this, but for the start, this is great. And he’s hilarious.
2. It is nice to see Mxyzptlk taking us back to our previous episodes. Especially when the show was at its highest point. It’s nice to see some characters make brief returns, especially Mon-El.
3. In one of the timelines, Kara comes out to the world and admits that she’s Supergirl. It is now to see this would pan out. Although when Ben Lockwood is Agent of Liberty, he kills all of her friends one by one. Incredibly brutal.
4. Seeing the dark timeline was an interesting take on things as well. It showed us just how brutal Lena can get, especially if she’s actually put through a more severe trauma other than Kara not telling her that she’s Supergirl.
What I Disliked
1. I think this episode proves how much of a disaster Lena’s character is. The very fact even on other timelines she manages to hate Kara, it’s just ridiculous. This entire ark is stupid. The entire plot, and the reasoning is just pathetic. I can’t express how much I hate this ark.
2. I’ve got to admit. Some of the acting during the Mon-El scene and Sam had some disastrous acting. You could tell the scenes were new, and it took a lot away from it.
Favourite Moment
Kara finally grew a set, and stood up to Lena correctly. She explains that whatever her and Lex are up to, she will do anything to stop her. I think this is probably the best way to go from here, as I personally don’t think Lena can be redeemed now.
Standout Character
Mxyzptlk definitely deserves standout this week. He had me laughing on multiple occasions, and genuinely wanted to help Supergirl without having some weird agenda on the back of it, albeit the court order. I would love for him to return at some point again to help Kara.
A weird episode this week for the 100th. It didn’t have anything in particular that blew away hence the lack of likes, but it was a pretty damn good episode. Some great brief returns, and an ark that seems can only improve from here. Great week for Supergirl.
Rating 9.2/10