Season 5 Episode 2 “Supergirl, Alex and Brainiac thwart an alien attack while William investigates Kara; J’onn J’onzz and Kelly use Obsidian tech to solve a problem.”
What Was Good?
1. Watching Braniac as a complete hopeless romantic is brilliant. It’s great watching him build up to a more human version of himself.
2. Lena’s story so far has been incredibly interesting. She was the one that kidnapped Eve in the previous episode. More importantly she has her captive in her lab. The emotions through betrayal were strong, especially after how badly Eve screwed Lena over last season.
3. I’m happy Catco is finally getting the attention it deserves. I missed that from season 1.
4. Ma’alefa’ak is proving to be one of the better Supergirl villains. His ark intrigues me, especially how he ended up the way that he has.

What Was Bad?
1. Is it just me or is the CGI subpar so far? The beginning of the episode was horrendous, there was a couple of moments last episode as well.
2. Who’s this new journalism dude, William? Shows up out of nowhere then decides to track Kara?
Holy Shit Moment
After kidnapping Eve. Lena places Hope, her virtual AI into Eve’s brain. That brings an element of curiosity to the table, due to the simple fact she’s a Luthor. Unpredictable, and you really want to know now just what she’s got in store for Supergirl.
The Verdict
Some advancements in the stories place this episode in a better light. Lena had the most interesting plot. Besides that it was fairly average, nothing major happened, but nothing too bad happened.