Season 5 Episode 14 “Lex tasks Supergirl with protecting Andrea from an anti-tech extremist; Lena moves forward with Non Nocere, with Lex’s help.”
What I Liked
1. The Obsidian lenses are finally at a launch stage. During this Andrea is almost dropped so many floors to her death but Supergirl saves her. Quite an interesting start. Although these lenses are fictional, they remind me of the Detroit Become Human game.
2. It’s great to see Brainiac call on the other Brainiac’s for help. You can actually genuinely struggle to cope with his allegiance with Lex.
3. Lex giving Lena a life lesson is weird but well needed. Especially explaining to her that she’s going down the same path Lex did when he was hunting Superman. Jon Cryer does such an incredible portraying the character.
4. An interesting take on the villain this week. The alien they were initially hunting, turned to have killed himself due to being homesick from his planet, he was also terminated because he stole some VR lenses. His wife actually took over and blames Obsidian. Her powers managed to take J’onn out, you can’t not be impressed by that.
5. I don’t usually like the talk downs from a hero to a villain. Mostly I just want to see an epic showdown, but that was a pretty good speech after Kara got absolutely destroyed by Amy.
6. J’onn gives Alex an object, that with her mind she can change it to certain objects. I was against this originally, giving Alex a heavier role than she’s used to, due to Melissa being pregnant in real life. I think she could nail this, and it beats the boring DEO stuff.
What I Disliked
1. Andrea back to the powers thing again? Haven’t we already had this story? It was terrible then, it’s going to be terrible now.
2. Lena again with another incredibly boring ark. I had no idea why or what she was doing in that prison for most of the episode. Truth be told I still kind of don’t. I just simply don’t care for the work she’s doing.
Favourite Moment
Lex proving how great of a villain he is by manipulating his way into Leviathon at the end of the episode. The reason I liked this scene so much, is because it shows Lex in true form. He’s 50 steps ahead of everything and everyone around him. You already know he’s using Brainiac, and actually knows what he’s up to.
Standout Character
I’m giving it to Alex this week. She was great, and it felt like a new breath of fresh air since she left the bores of the DEO.
Another good episode heating up with a few interesting takes. Lena’s story continues to bore me, but the rest of it was fantastic. Especially Lex. I’m excited to see how the rest of the season pans out, with different villains in the mix here.
Rating 8.9/10