Season 5 Episode 10 “The subsequent complications from the Crisis leave Supergirl to face a chaotic threat.”
What I Liked?
1. Brainy starts seeing different versions of himself… We come to find out a group of different Brainy’s from other worlds got teleported to this Earth before Crisis. Each Brainy was completely different to the prime Brainy with even one Brainy being the director of the DEO and a woman (guest starring Meaghan Rath).
2. Someone is attacking the Brainiacs from other worlds and killing them with some sort of virus which can infect a Brainiac from anywhere. We later find out it’s one of the Brainiac’s which was shy and a loner. He wants to reopen the bottle to which contains his Earth.
3. Supergirl, Brainy and Nia get into a bar fight with the witches who helped Reign and the Evil Brainy. Prime Brainy gets hit and causes one of his inhibitors to break… Brainy freaks out because he doesn’t want to turn evil but with the help of Nia the prime Brainy goes full comic accurate which is surprisingly done well.
4. Brainy and Lex work together to bring the future to them with the help of Winn who has came back from the future. Will Lex become a good guy moving forward?
What I Disliked?
1. Lena is still on this “Supergirl/Kara betryaed me” story and it’s insanely annoying now. She never told her about her being Supergirl because of her being a Luthor… get over it!
2. The episode felt slow and dragged a bit but the only interesting stuff was the Brainiac storyline which saved the episode.
Favourite Moment
The Brainiac 5 from the world went a little bit mad because he thought why should this Earth be the only one to survive and he just wanted his world back.
Standout Character?
I have to say this goes to Brainiac. He finally became his true self and finally opted to use all of his powers.
The Verdict?
A huge episode for Brainy and one episode which has been needed for a while now. We got hints of the evil Brainiac who traps worlds in bottles. We saw Brainy go full Brainiac. Will Lex be good in the future?