Season 6 Episode 14 “Kid Flash returns to Central City with a Zen attitude and new tricks up his sleeve. While thrilled to see his family again, Wally confides to Barry that he returned because he thinks there is something wrong with the speed force. Meanwhile, Cisco returns from his fact-finding mission across Earth-Prime.”
What I Liked?
1. Kamile and Caitlin are monitoring Barry in STAR Labs when he’s saving a helicopter from crashing… just then Barry appears behind them. Kid Flash has returned and saved the helicopter from crashing. We see that Kid Flash has learnt new abilities which Barry hasn’t. It’s always nice to see Wally back, I just wish he wasn’t wasted.
2. After a welcome home party for Wally, Him and Barry are speed cleaning when Barry’s speed messes up causing him to crash into a wall. This is the real reason why Wally returned because he sensed something was wrong with the Speedforce.
3. Wally takes Barry into the Speedforce, Barry and Wally see how bad things have gotten inside of the Speedforce and we see that it’s dying because of something Barry did. What could this be? Wally mentions to Barry that his connection to the Speedforce is that strong it showed Wally potential futures and alternate realities and there was something in common with each, that there was always a speedster running, picking up the mantle of The Flash. Wally also mentions he has saw his kids running with their kids.
4. Thawne has put himself inside of Nash’s body. When Cisco goes to Nash to apologize Thawne/Nash tries to kill Cisco by putting his hand through his chest again but Thawne doesn’t have his speed and gets tazed by Cecile.
5. After finding out that he and Spectre Oliver essentially killed the Speedforce and with the alarming threat of Thawne back, Barry asks Cisco and Caitlin to create an artificial Speedforce. Could we see Barry become the actual lightning bolt that created the Speedforce?
6. Kamile finds the photo of mirror-Iris and that she is not the real Iris, just then the mirror-Iris shoots Kamile with the mirror gun. When will Team Flash find out about mirror-Iris?

What I Disliked?
1. Should Thawne reveal himself this early on if his plan was just to kill Team Flash? Why couldn’t he wait to see if he had speed or picked them off one by one?
2. Another character changed from male to female for no reason. First, it was Topp then Mirror Master now Turtle? This makes 10 characters that have been changed from male to female. Including Mirror Master.
Favourite Moment
Seeing Flash and Kid Flash use their abilities to get to CCPD and stop Turtle 2 along with Joe’s help.
Standout Character
Wally West was the standout this week, his improvement and character development have been great even though we haven’t technically seen it.
The Verdict
Such a great episode. We got to see the Speedforce die, Barry and Cisco finding out about Thawne to seeing an improved Kid Flash. We need Kid Flash back on the show full time.