Season 6 Episode 13 “Feeling overwhelmed with all the changes since Crisis, Barry conducts an experiment that goes awry and puts him directly in Gorilla Grodd’s path; Iris works with Eva to escape the Mirrorverse.”
What I Liked?
1. We see a familiar face appear at the beginning of the episode as a cameo. Hartley Rathaway returns as Pied Piper but he’s a evil again because Crisis changed things. He has upgraded powers which let’s him fly now. We see other things have changed because of Crisis like Barry not being able to find his parents graves or a street which is now train tracks which nearly gets Barry hit by a train.
2. We also get some story progression for Nash this episode as he’s now seeing another version of Wells, this time in Sherloque Wells. This plays into a scene where we come to find out the Doppelganger for Allegra which means something to Nash is his daughter.
3. Grodd has put Barry into his mind because Grodd has changed and wants Barrys help to escape the mind prison and go to Gorilla City. Barry doesn’t trust Grodd at first but has to work with him when Barry gets attacked by Solovar.
4. Eva and Iris are still trying ways to escape the mirror dimension. They come up with a plan to recreate what Eva was doing the night of the particle accelerator. Eva is worried at first which leads for her to stick her hands and arms on the other side of the mirror which causes her to burn her skin instantly. We also come to find out that Eva is controlling the fake Iris and they are both connected to each other.
5. Barry had to apologize to Chester for not being more welcoming to Chester to the team. This was a great scene which could lead into Chester having a Cisco type role on the team. Chester repays the favor to Barry by giving him the location of his parents graves.
6. At the end of the episode Nash see’s Sherloque Wells again but this time Sherloque grabs Nash, his face vibrates and his eyes for red… leaving us with a Reverse Flash tease by saying “He is coming”.
What I Disliked?
Fake Iris is up to trouble, this week she plays Joe and copies all his files which could lead to Blackhole getting off. Could she essentially be a Blackhole Mole or could Eva be the leader?

Favourite Moment
Barry and Grodd decide to work together because Barry realizes that Grodd is telling the truth. Barry turns himself into pure speedforce energy and goes inside of Grodd which gives us Speedster Grodd!! We get such a cool fight scene with Grodd and Solovar. Grodd gets beaten down at first until Barry gives him a pep talk and tell’s him “Run Grodd Run”. Such a good design for Grodd which was ripped straight from the comic.
Standout Character
I did originally have Chester as the standout character but I think i have to go with Grodd for this week. He honestly changed so much because of Crisis which he also remembers. He worked with Barry and didn’t betray him.
The Verdict
The episode blew me away, it’s one of the better episodes of this season. Gave us potential future story arcs like Speedster Grodd. The episode also set up a Reverse Flash story coming up!