Season 6 Episode 8 “With the Flash battling Bloodwork, Iris and Cisco fight to help Barry take control of himself before he’s lost forever; the rest of the team fight to reclaim control of Central City from Bloodwork’s growing army.”
What I Liked?
1. Bloodwork is trying to take over the entire city with his Blood Brothers, He tactic is to make everyone scared. He’s truly one of the greatest villains we’ve seen on The Flash.
2. Cecile’s powers are growing. She can feel everyone’s fear in the city. While she’s feeling everyone’s fear, she and Kamilla have got to try to escape the building by also using Cecile’s powers as some sort of detector.
3. Cisco tries to use his tech on Ramsey but just as it’s about to work, Dark Flash comes and stops Cisco and destroys his tech. This was so good to see the entrance of Dark Flash, felt like it was ripped straight from a comic page.
4. Barry has planned for this to happen, he planned for him to become Dark Flash. Barry’s plan involves Allegra using her UV powers to blast the Bloodwork particles in the pipeline. This was Allegra’s big moment where she essentially saved the city.
5. Bloodwork reveals his final form. Pretty disgusting yet amazing. CGI was fairly decent as well which makes me happy since, for big villains like this, the CGI is kind of weak. Especially since most of the budget went on Crisis.
6. After all, is said and done, Team Flash is talking about the world being better with Barry in it. In the midst of this, the skies turn red and Crisis starts.

What I Disliked?
1. Iris going out to meet Dark Flash, While I understand why she wanted to, but how did she know Dark Flash or even Bloodwork wouldn’t have killed her.
2. Small dislike but this point is for Cisco. He gave up on Barry to easily.
Favorite Moment
Even though it was amazing to see Ramsey take control of Barry, It was amazing to see just how strong Barry’s hope and will is. Throughout the time of being controlled, he was giving little hints to Cisco on how to stop Ramsey.
Standout Character
Barry. Because he planned for this Ramsey attack, he thought out a plan on how to stop Ramsey and that was letting him infect him so Barry could get memories of Ramsey’s mother.
The Verdict
A pretty solid conclusion to the first half of the season. We finally got the see the final form of Bloodwork and it was literally ripped from the Rebirth comics. Barry and Iris’s connection is just far too strong to let anything destroy it.