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5 Characters That I Would Like To See Added To Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

Whether you like the game or not, that’s fine. I love it. It’s a fun experience with friends and I’m enjoying the characters that are added to the game thus far. As seen a few weeks back, The Joker has been announced and even showed his traversal off in a first-look trailer for the character coming in season 1 of the game.

Who are other characters that I would want to come to the game in the future?

5. Rick Flag

If you have played the game already, you would know that Rick Flag is indeed already in the game, but he isn’t playable. I think, given they already have the character model, Rick should become playable for the post-story content. I think all he needs is a few abilities and weapons.

4. Bronze Tiger

Bronze Tiger was a member of the Suicide Squad. I feel like he had decent enough mobility, weapons, and abilities to handle what is coming from Brainiac. I don’t think he needs any Justice League powers but allow him to have a parkour traversal.

3. Killer Frost

Killer Frost would be perfect for this game. She would honestly be insane to use. Her weapon slots would be ice-based obviously, she wouldn’t need guns and her traversal would simply be her using ice to slide around the map.

2. Reverse Flash

Reverse Flash would be a missed opportunity. Not Eobard Thawne but Daniel West. There was a time when a Suicide Squad team had him on. I feel like it would expand the speedster genre in the universe even more. The physics are there, we have seen Flash and Boomerang use the speed force with some pretty good traversal so it would not be hard to bring Reverse Flash into it.


1. Peacemaker

The fan-favorite character played by John Cena deserves to be in this game. We have had easter eggs in this game about Peacemaker. I think he suits this type of game. The humor that he would bring to the squad would be insane. I think he is a character that would have a pretty good customization section in this game too. I even believe John Cena would be down to lend his voice to the character too.

I just hope going forward that the developers are open and willing to announce characters and deliver them on time. We saw the promises made by the Marvel’s Avengers dev team that all these characters from Scarlet Witch to War Machine would come but unfortunately, they did not deliver.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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