
Batwoman “Freeze” Review

Season 3 Episode 3 – An unfortunate incident in downtown Gotham alerts Batwoman and the Bat team that another missing trophy has made its way into the wrong hands; a new member of the Jet family surfaces.

*We understand the comments made by Ruby and absolutely stand by her throughout this public process. This review is because we enjoy the show for entertainment purposes and still support Javicia Leslie and the cast. We’re in no way paid by The CW or WB, or affiliated with either.*

What I Liked

1. Ryan’s biological mother has been brutal in the opening scenes. More so considering Ryan is willing to forgive and forget, her mother doesn’t care nor wants a relationship. I did like this scene because it’s unpredictable. I was half expecting her mother to open Ryan into the company with open arms so this was a nice twist for me.

2. As Alice is being seen by Mary medically, Alice goes through Luke’s file and completely turns the conversation around hilariously. We know there’s likely to be a story with Luke and Mary, and Alice is the first one to figure it out. Brilliant.

3. It’s finally nice to see Ryan just completely dominate multiple people in a fight. The scene looked great, the choreography was fantastic and it does show how far the show has come when it comes to action. She does get bested by the female of the group but seeing her kick the other guys to kingdom come was pretty damn entertaining.

4. We all knew it was coming but Poison Ivy is here. At the very end of the episode, after Mary gives Nora her meds, she’s pulled to the ground and into bushes. I hope this is something we will get moving forward instead of a different Batman villain in a different way every episode. The shows did well so far.


What I Disliked

The bridge scene was pretty damn good but ruined by the ridiculousness afterward. After Ryan and Luke stop the car in a heroic way, the woman manages to hold the Fries lady hostage then gets into another car whilst Ryan and Luke stand there flabbergasted. Like, why did they not follow on with the car and put a stop to this? That was pretty lazy writing.

Favourite Moment

After Ryan is suffering severe hypothermia inside the cryo chamber, Sophie desperately tries to keep her awake but in doing so it seems like Sophie has admitted she does like Ryan. Like, like like if you know what I mean. Not to mention seeing Batwing storm in the building and wreck the group was great.

Standout Character

This week is easily going to Ryan. She was amazing this week in every regard. The fighting from her has gone to another level now and really pulls it off, not to mention it’s nice to see her finally coming into her own instead of relying on the Kate and Jacob Kane stories.


Batwoman exceeded my expectations in this episode. When I realized it was about Mr. Freeze this week I kind of switched off, but the episode surprised me. From beginning to end it was interesting and entertaining. Not to mention the action scenes are more fluid now compared to how they were in the first half of last season.

Rating 9/10

Promo For Next Episode

The Review

Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9



Batwoman exceeded my expectations in this episode. When I realized it was about Mr. Freeze this week I kind of switched off, but the episode surprised me. From beginning to end it was interesting and entertaining. Not to mention the action scenes are more fluid now compared to how they were in the first half of last season.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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