Supergirl, the show that went from having one of the strongest Pilot seasons to…well, this? To put it as bluntly as possible, this season of Supergirl has been the least entertaining season of the entire Arrowverse and yes I watched Arrow’s season 4.
This article is relating to the same action scenes we’ve seen several times during the course of this season. If you’ve read any of my individual Supergirl episodic reviews then you will know what I mean.
Supergirl, Martian Manhunter then a wildcard for the third will show up and be on the opposite end of the room usually to Nyxyl. A fight will pursue which will result in either getting the upper hand and then Nyxly escaping by some means or the other.
I can count this same scene around 7 or 8 times now during this season. It’s gotten to the point that now when they face off I do not care at all. As mentioned in my previous review it’s the same scene with a slightly different formula sprinkled on top. There’s zero variation as to how these fights go.
Why can’t the “Super Friends” blindsight Nxyly or why can’t Nxyly go on the offensive and surprise our heroes? I know the answer because it’s lazy writing.
If you watch The Flash with Zoom, or Arrow with Merlyn, or Superman with Morgan, or Icicle in Stargirl then you’ll know what I mean. Those are just a few base examples but each one of those villains was impactful, terrifying, and unpredictable.
Let’s discuss Zoom, the first time we were properly introduced to him he dragged Barry around Central City by the neck and literally broke his back. You were watching on with genuine fear for The Flash and just baffled as to how The Flash was even going to win.
Then you have Nyxly with barely zero backstories, she doesn’t feel like a threat, brings nothing to the story, and doesn’t interest me in the absolute slightest. Nyxly was a much better character when she and Kara were both trapped in the Phantom Zone.
I don’t get how they swayed so far away from the likes of Astra in season 1 or Rhea in season 2 to this. I’m not even looking forward to the final portion of the season because I just don’t see how it’s going to get any better.
Granted, we have Mon-El, Winn Schott, and James returning which should shake up the final ending of Supergirl but until then, my hopes are dashed.
People often ask me why I still bother, and I think if the show wasn’t ending after Season 6 then I may have given up, the same way I gave up with Legends of Tomorrow after Season 3 and I still don’t regret that decision.