Season 6 Episode 18 – Supergirl is determined to keep everyone safe from Lex and Nyxly, so she doubles down on patrol; Alex is torn between duty and finally allowing herself the time to enjoy her new family; Brainy receives heartbreaking news.
What I Liked
1. William puts Andrea on blast for releasing Lex’s journal to the public and adding his name to the byline. I’m happy another person has done this because let’s be honest when Cat Grant was running CatCo it was completely different and had a unique standing when it came to the journalism aspects. When Andrea brought this back I expected these decent arks to return but instead, it’s been poor. William was completely right.
2. A cute scene between William and Esme as William explains her to how to make chocolate. There wasn’t a lot to it but it does make you like William that little bit more before, well, you know…
3. Finally, a GOOD action scene. It feels like it’s been forever. As Nxyly and Lex hurt Supergirl in the helmet suit, she breaks out of it and actually manages to best both of them. J’onn also managed to defeat an AI in a Luthor suit and the weird dude who’s with Nxyly. Despite it ending the same way it always does, this scene was pretty good.
4. Despite the Brainiac story coming out of nowhere, it is incredibly sad to see him so upset at the party. Nia really steps up to be there for him and I admire that. Brainiac has been one of the standout characters since his introduction.
What I Disliked
1. What in the hell was that CGI? After a nearly repeated action scene with the Super Friends against Nyxly, Dreamer drags them into the Dream World to “save” them and the effects and VFX were so unbelievably bad it completely pulls you away from the actual show.
2. So Brainiac can no longer stay at this time? Since when? He’s been in the show for a few years and now all of a sudden he has to return back to his own timeline? I feel like we’re just throwing plot points for the sake of it without building anything so in turn, they just feel completely lackluster.
3. Alex becoming obnoxious isn’t something I ever expected from her. After Kara attempts to help and give advice in regards to Esme, Alex puts her on blast for it. It’s just extremely uncomfortable to watch, considering Alex should know what Kara went through. This continues throughout more of the episode when it comes to the party and it’s just pathetic.
4. The terrible quality of the episode continues. As Supergirl goes to Nyxyl’s ship, J’onn is in alien form and he’s talking to Kara yet his mouth isn’t moving with his words. Error 1. Now onto the next is those Luthor suits look atrociously bad when they’re being “turned off” like the nanotech Iron Man suit. Would it kill to ensure the effects actually looked good??
5. Oh, is that Kara being the one to apologize for next to nothing and something being blown way out of proportion?! Yep, of course, it is!! It’s ALWAYS Kara having to make the first move to sort out a dispute even if she’s not in the wrong or barely did anything wrong. She’s the strongest on that team by a country mile with the purest of hearts but she’s treated like pure trash half the time.
Favourite Moment
People may be up in arms by the way Lex kills William but what an impact. Very clever by William to actually record everything and send it to Andrea. We haven’t seen a villain make any form of impact whatsoever this season, trust it to be Lex. Supergirl’s run has never had a proper death like this. I know William never really had a chance to shine but I did like his character, so this death is quite a sad one. Seeing the reaction from everyone when they returned to the tower or when Andrea opened the footage, it hit pretty hard.
Standout Character
I’m giving it to William this week. The sheer bravery he showed not just towards Lex, but to Andrea at the beginning of the episode was admirable. Granted, he wasn’t in this episode a lot but in every scene, he was in I found myself liking his character more and more. His scenes with Esme were adorable on the back of everything.
Supergirl did have some dodgy moments especially with the CGI effects, but in the grand schemes of things, this was the best episode we’ve had for weeks. I’ve come away from watching the episode more surprised by the fact I actually did enjoy it. The show had 5 dislikes compared to the 4 likes, but overall the likes did outshine the poor in this episode.
Rating 8.5/10
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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 8
Supergirl did have some dodgy moments especially with the CGI effects, but in the grand schemes of things, this was the best episode we've had for weeks. I've come away from watching the episode more surprised by the fact I actually did enjoy it. The show had 5 dislikes compared to the 4 likes, but overall the likes did outshine the poor in this episode.