New Pryme Entertainment has today released their first-ever comic book which is completely free to download digitally. We were given the opportunity to read the comic book and being involved in this industry for so many years, reading thousands of comics, we’re super impressed by what this exceptional team has accomplished.
One of the things that stood out to me right away was the impressive artwork on the book itself. This was done by a small team and what they’ve done with the creative outlook is admirable.
Here are 3 snippets of the book including the cover;

Who are New Pryme Entertainment?
New Pryme is an upcoming comic-book publishing and multimedia entertainment company with one central aspiration, to change the narrative of storytelling in Nigeria and in the world. With Christo-centricity being one of our core values, we believe in bringing morally filled stories in an unreligious manner, communicating to people the deep and imperative things of life, without theological bias.
New Pryme has taken inspiration from mainstream companies and wishes to compliment that inspiration by using their creative knowledge to give the fans stories that will absolutely entertain.
They want to target their stories to everybody and not just a specific demographic area, age group, or even religious beliefs. They believe that doing it this way paves the way for the writers to be up there with the best.
Judging by their first-ever comic book they do have the potential to be up there.
What’s Mission B.G.A about?
Here’s an intro into the comic books story;
The tyrannical Keplar Empire has it’s hand over the galaxy, but as evil arises, good endeavors to overcome it, in form of a resistance group, The Alliance.
As Such, Unit 210 is deployed with the mission of infiltrating a facility of the empire and acquiring certain “imperative assets”.
It is no small task but the job must be done, so it’s mission time!
mission bga comic book
New Pryme is given away this comic completely free so there is nothing to lose by trying out this fantastic comic book. New Pryme had indicated this is their one-shot comic book and it is a demo, so we hope this goes well for the team so that new series and books can be released in the near future.
If you are interested in the comic book then you can click here to get a free download of the book with no strings attached.
Sit back and enjoy a brand new story.
Joshua.E. Amangala
Ted Taurus
Colors/Letters/Cover artist
Mr. M Art
Chief Creative Officer/Associate Editor
Sygns Reginald
Publisher/Chief Editor
Philip Alare
Graphics Designer
Orange Graphics
You can contact New Pryme Entertainment directly through their website if you have any questions. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.