Season 1 Episode 7 – When Naomi finds herself in dire circumstances, she’s forced to seek help from Zumbado, who knows more than Naomi could have imagined.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Love opening on a fight scene, especially Zumbado wiping out all those guys without even blinking. However this could have been a lot more impactful, the screen didn’t need to keep bouncing back to Naomi and showing it in blurry vision, but what we saw of it, it was incredible.
2. Finally we’re getting the full story! It’s been a long time coming and I still stand by the fact we should’ve been told a lot of this earlier. But better late than never I suppose, I’m just pleased that this episode is focusing solely on answering all our questions.
3. Crazy how this series up to this point has made Zumbado out to be a pretty bad dude, and now I just feel so sorry for him. For your planet to fear you, and then your own team turns their back on you so your only option is to run is pretty crappy.
4. Zumbado sacrifices himself so Naomi can escape Star Labs. What I loved about this scene is she had the chance to run, she was at the doors but she chose to turn back and save him. We’re starting to see some great character development from her.
5. Finally getting to see her using her powers, and better yet actually controlling them. I love that Dee got a good punch in aswell before they escaped Star Labs.
6. The acting throughout this episode has been phenomenal, from all characters. I truly felt the emotion behind each scene. If the show can continue reaching this kind of standard more often it will have a much better chance going forward.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
That final scene between Naomi and Zumbado was really moving. I love how he was able to tell her about her parents who were both members of the 29. That’s why Brutis feared Naomi, her powers were not caused by an environmental disaster, but passed down through her bloodline. But her finding out about her parents and finding out Zumbado has literally watched over her his entire life was really moving to watch. He’s definitely up there as one of my favorite characters.
Standout Character
Zumbado is definitely taking standout for me this week. His fight scenes were incredible, his back story was very moving, and finding out he has watched over Naomi her entire life has given me a completely different view of him. What a guy.
The best episode we have had from Naomi yet. The worst part about this show so far has been the unanswered questions leaving viewers more confused than anything, this episode has finally given us the answers we’ve been waiting for. Granted they should have maybe come sooner, but they did the episode amazingly well!
Rating 10/10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
The best episode we have had from Naomi yet. The worst part about this show so far has been the unanswered questions leaving viewers more confused than anything, this episode has finally given us the answers we’ve been waiting for. Granted they should have maybe come sooner, but they did the episode amazingly well!