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Moon Knight “The Friendly Type” Review

Season 1 Episode 3 – With Marc in the forefront and Harrow ahead, Marc and Layla navigate Cairo for intel.

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. Layla is getting a passport forged and it’s honestly super intriguing to watch how it’s actually done. It’s small like at the beginning of the show but it’s definitely interesting to see how a passport is forged.

2. Marc finds himself fighting 3 men with knives, managing to make them look like idiots in the process. Funnily enough, Steven takes back over the body. Time passes and we see Marc completely unsure as to what’s just happened.

3. We are seeing more Khonshu and the other avatars, the Gods, etc. I do really like this purely because we’re actually gaining a more understanding of Moon Knight and how the avatars work. I’m not all too clued up on Moon Knight as a character so the more information we get, the better for me as a viewer.

4. Marc gives control to Steven to fix the Star which is a navigator to a tomb. I’m enjoying Steven and Marc finally somewhat forming a bond together, giving each other control when needed due to one’s strengths. I hope this continues to develop as it advances.


5. Khonshu turns back to the night sky from over 2,000 years ago, resulting in him being imprisoned in stone. Something Arthur himself is obviously happy to see. The scene was great but I’m kind of hoping this doesn’t last as Khonshu is just class.

What I Disliked

I feel like there is some heavy confusion surrounding the actual story itself. It’s taken me a moment to sit back and truly get to grips with what is happening as I just don’t understand ancient Egypt. This may be just me but it can be a nightmare to follow at times. I also do wish we had some flashback scenes to truly understand the relationship between Moon Knight and Khonshu.

Favourite Moment

After Arthur shows up to show Anton his capabilities. Marc, at gun point finally summons the suit and just absolutely destroys Anton’s “guards”. This was brilliant. Mid-fight, over-confident Steven takes control and is stabbed so quickly requesting Marc again. Incredible.

Standout Character

Marc takes it for me as there isn’t anybody else. He was brilliant this week and the scene with the main fight was awesome. Entertaining as always.


A very good episode that advanced the story in a pretty solid way. It ended on a major cliffhanger so I am excited to see where we move from here. I hope we get to see Ahmed in the next episode!

Rating 9.7/10

Rest in peace Gaspard Ulliel.

The Review

Story - 9.5
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9.5
Quality - 9.5



A very good episode that advanced the story in a pretty solid way. It ended on a major cliffhanger so I am excited to see where we move from here. I hope we get to see Ahmed in the next episode!


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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