Season 5 Episode 8 “Supergirl’s struggle against Leviathan reaches a boiling point as she faces off against Rama Khan; as Lena and Hope work to launch Project Non Nocere, Hope proves to be an invaluable asset to Lena.”
What I Liked
1. Malefik seemingly turning good after him and J’onn somewhat make amends is probably the best thing to happen this season. I only hope this brings out the best part of J’onn.
2. Alex is the ONLY one making sense out of this entire situation with Kara, and Lena. Explaining to Kara that they’re not just in a fight, but Lena has turned a full corner. It’s about time someone is actually speaking sense when it comes down to this situation – see dislike number 4 following this conversation.
3. Rama Khan is about the only interesting thing this episode. He wants to let loose a super volcano, but Andrea betrays him and goes to the DEO and quickly explains to the DEO what’s going on – before Rama Khan pulls her back, and it looked like he killed her. Until J’onn saves her later on, of course. Nobody really dies in this season so I expected nothing less.
4. The Monitor shows up at the end to explain to J’onn that he past his test. A solid Crisis tease.
5. Lex Luthor is back, and ready for Crisis next week!
What I Disliked
1. All this build up with this horrendous storyline and Lena’s reasons. It’s ridiculous. After Lena traps her in the Fortress, she escapes within what seemed like 20 seconds. Went after Lena at Lex’s hideout, and Supergirl’s arms are up apologising? This ark needs to end soon, and when I mean soon, I mean now. If there was a better reason behind Lena’s switch I would be all up for it, but I can’t shake that whatsoever.
2. Even after all of this, and Malefik admitting to the DEO exactly what Lena has been doing. Kara still wants to “save” Lena. Boring, uninteresting, and this whole “save everyone” stuff gets annoying way too quickly.
3. Lena is trying to help the world. Kara shows up via a hologram, and stops Lena from what she’s doing. Cringeworthy dialogue from both Lena, and Kara. I’m getting the feeling Lena isn’t the bad one here? Another poor scene.
4. Alex explains to Kara that she put a virus into the hologram at Lena’s bunker. Of course, Kara jumps on the “you used me” bandwagon. Insert face palm emoji.
5. After everything Lena has done, she gets out of it with the FBI, just like that? Give over. That was incredibly awful.
Favourite Moment
As much as Kara has annoyed me this episode, when she’s almost down and out by Rama Khan. She manages to find the strength to pull herself up. It was just a short scene, but it had me engaged nonetheless. A solid scene.
Standout Character
Alex is this weeks standout character. Purely down to the sense she’s spoke during the episode. Actually understanding the ramifications of Lena’s actions, and how deep they really need to go to stop her.
One of the worst Arrowverse shows so far. It was slightly saved at the end, but still very poor. The Crisis teases saved the rating slightly, but unfortunately, due to the nature of Lena’s ark – I honestly cannot take it seriously.