Season 2 Episode 11 – “The Batch finds a mysterious missing vessel.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode opens up with a horror-type feeling to the episode, a broken down ship in the middle of space, a lone Clone Commando seemingly running for his life until he gets picked off by an unknown creature loose in the ship. I have Alien/Ripley-type vibes from this opening scene.
2. I love how the Batch has spoken about ending their relationship with Sid. Sid is a bad omen, we’ve been warned about her this season already, I fully believe if the Batch leaves her, she’d sell them out to the Empire for profit.
3. The creature that the Batch has set free, uses electricity to grow in size and power. A very interesting species of alien. Curious to see how they will end up defeating the creature, especially now with the Empire on the world too.
4. The Batch learns that the order to clone the creature, which is a Zillo beast, comes directly from Chancellor Palpatine. What a curious turn of events. You can tell that this was the early stages of Sidious’s plan to be able to clone his body. This even ties in with Baby Grogu.
What I Disliked
The mistake of separating from the team in an abandoned ship could end up bad for Tech, as he went alone to the ship’s bridge to find out information on what ship this was as well as what they were transporting.
Favorite Moment
My favorite moment would simply be the Batch vs the Empire in air combat. I feel as though with the Batch mainly being a squad, we’re rarely treated with air combat from them so whenever it happens in an episode, it’s always a treat.
Standout Character
Hear me out, no character got the standout in this week’s episode. I’m going to give this to the Zillo beast. That was truly incredible to see.
Overall, a fun, action-packed, horror-type episode. The episode focused on Palpatine’s early plans of cloning the Zillo beast, and his plans as to what will eventually come later in the timeline. Overall a solid episode.
Rating: 9.4/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
Overall, a fun, action-packed, horror-type episode. The episode focused on Palpatine's early plans of cloning the Zillo beast, and his plans as to what will eventually come later in the timeline. Overall a solid episode.