Season 3 Episode 4 – Lois interrupts an intense conversation between Clark and John Henry; Kyle tries to run interferrence between Sarah and Lana; Jonathan has a heated discussion with Candice’s dad.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Jonathan gets a hefty hook from Emmitt. He manages to bravely stand up to him when Emmitt demands a “chat” but ultimately gets punched as a result. I do like where this rivalry is going. I just hope this goes down a route where it spurs Jon’s powers.
2. Lois storms over to Emmitt’s place and things get somewhat heated until Emmitt threatens Lois with a gun. I can see this arc of the story is going to be super interesting. I get that Jordan couldn’t do much without compromising his identity but I was dying for him to step up there.
3. A beautiful escape from John. Unfortunately for John, Bruno has a lot of ammo on John in terms of photos of everything. Bruno has John’s sister (this Earth) strapped until John goes to save her. A fantastic moment and what an escape. It’s always good to see the suit involved in the episode.
4. Lois shows her touching nature as always. She tells Candice that she can stay at the Kent’s until she finds somewhere more permanent. This is down to the fact that Emmitt completely crapped the bed and ran after his encounter with Clark.
5. Jordan finally gets a suit. After he and Sam makeup, Sam presents him with a brand new suit instead of getting a haircut. It’s about time Jordan got his own suit.
What I Disliked
Only one dislike this week. Kyle rolling over to Lana yet again is just boring. Lana has been extremely frustrating this season and half of last, the slap from Sarah should’ve spurred Lana to sort herself out. Kyle should’ve also pushed on that fact as well.
Favorite Moment
Clark goes for Emmitt now and what a moment. Emmitt obviously tries to push Clark but completely and miserably fails. Clark then forces him down onto the counter and threatens him. He also explains that Lois will expose him to everything and allows him to leave. I am glad this happened, it makes sense that it would.
Standout Character
It’s a difficult one to decide this week which character stood out the most. However, due to one specific scene, it’s going to Clark. It’s more so because he’s the only one that had me hyped during the episode. Once he finds out from Lois that Emmitt punched his kid and pulled a gun on Lois, he goes for him and I absolutely loved this. It’s also my favorite moment of course.
A solid episode for me. See, I love it when episodes have filler-type arcs, in this case with Emmitt – but it’s interesting. It’s entertaining. The CW often have a habit of doing filler episodes but they just end up boring. A fantastic episode this week.
Rating 9.3/10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 8.5
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
A solid episode for me. See, I love it when episodes have filler-type arcs, in this case with Emmitt - but it’s interesting. It’s entertaining. The CW often have a habit of doing filler episodes but they just end up boring. A fantastic episode this week.