Season 3 Episode 7 – Lois and Clark dig deeper on Bruno Mannheim, starting with his connections to Hob’s Bay Medical Center; Jonathan and Jordan panic at home over Lois’ dire diagnosis; Matteo comes to Smallville to meet John Henry.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Hard scenes to watch again as Jordan and Jonathon head to the fortress in a desperate bid to see if Kryptonian science can save Lois. The desperation in Jonathon’s voice was tough to hear as he pleads for help.
2. The story with Bruno Mannheim has definitely been an interesting one. He’s a tough character to read, one minute he’s the villain but the next just he’s just a man trying to save his wife. Don’t get me wrong he’s obviously going about it the wrong way, but I’m not entirely sure he has evil intentions.
3. Piea reveals her husband is Bruno Mannheim, and I think for the first time Lois and Clark saw a different side to Bruno, the man trying desperately to save his wife.
4. Piea rings the bell to mark the end of her cancer treatment, a very touching moment for this episode.
What I Disliked
1. Chrissy being a “stoner” is a completely unnecessary addition to the series. It feels like added drama for literally no reason whatsoever. They have a really good angle for this season with Bruno Mannheim trying to cure cancer but going the wrong way about it and yet they’re adding in little irrelevant stories in between just like this.
2. John’s ark this season has been woeful. He spends the entire episode preparing himself with Lana to become the “cool dad” as Natalie invites Matteo over for dinner. He doesn’t appear to be adding anything remotely interesting to the series considering for the first 2 seasons, he was one of the standouts.
3. I really wish the series would move on from the Lana and Kyle divorce. They either want to go somewhere with the story or they don’t but right now they are completely irreverent to everything happening yet getting so much screen time.
4. Another episode with next to no action except the very end scene which added nothing except in a flashback scene. I don’t mind getting episodes with low action considering the show is called Superman and LOIS. However, it is still a Superman show as well.
Favorite Moment
The moment Jonathon and Clark shared together at the end was very sweet and lovely to watch. The pair have been bumping heads since Lois’ cancer diagnosis which I do get from Jonathon’s perspective because I guess when your dad is Superman you expect him to be able to fix everything, unfortunately, this is something he can’t fix.
Standout Character
Bruno Mannheim is taking my standout this week. The potential for his character is brilliant. A villain who has good intentions always makes for a good series.
The episode was okay, a lot of heartfelt moments but again just no action made it feel a bit boring. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to love when it comes to Lois’ story due to how much a lot of us can relate to it. However, the rest of it is awful. Lana and Kyle’s separation story got old 5 episodes ago. John needs something better than this. We need Lex. ASAP.
Rating 5/10
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The Review
Story - 4
Action - 1
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 4
Quality - 10
The episode was okay, a lot of heartfelt moments but again just no action made it feel a bit boring. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot to love when it comes to Lois' story due to how much a lot of us can relate to it. However, the rest of it is awful. Lana and Kyle's separation story got old 5 episodes ago. John needs something better than this. We need Lex. ASAP.