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Secret Invasion “Promises” Review

Season 1 Episode 2 – “Fury grapples with past and present.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. Fury actually first met Gravik back in Brixton in 1997, two years after the events of the Captain Marvel movie. Fury offers his sincere apology after learning that Gravik lost both of his parents in the last stand against the Kree. Fury learns that Gravik is a survivor.

2. The story that Fury told on the train to Talos. I’m pretty sure that this was a real-life story that Samuel L. Jackson would play on the train ride to Washington DC as he recently spoke about this on a talk show. It is an interesting move mixing real life with fiction.

3. Fury arrives in time to see Maria Hill’s mother come to collect the coffin with her daughter. Her mother asks Fury to tell her where she died. Fury tells an angry mother that her daughter died in Moscow in a trap to hurt Fury.

4. In the meeting with the council, Gravik was actually speaking facts when you truly think about it. Fury abandoned the Skrull, he failed his promise. Gravik also mentioned that humans were always destined to exterminate each other. Gravik is truly an interesting villain. Gravik becomes the new leader.


5. Colonel Rhodes is getting quizzed by the world summit about the “alleged” appearances of Fury and Hill within Moscow at the time of the bombing. Rhodes gets a call from Fury to meet up for a meeting. Rhodes tells Fury that he inadvertently turns all the US allies over to Russia. Fury tells Rhodes about the Skrull invasion.

6. Fury has a Skrull wife? After all these years, we’re still learning about Nick Fury.

What I Disliked

1. Maria Hill actually dead?!?!?

2. Rhodes actually came to Fury to fire him personally. He told Fury that since he got one of their best agents killed, he deserves all this smoke. This is a side of Rhodes that I haven’t seen since Iron Man 2.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment would be Sonya Falsworth coming into a butcher’s to interrogate the Skrull prisoner. The Skrull acts all cocky until Sonya cuts off one of his fingers all while smiling. She injects some kind of substance into the Skrull causing his blood to literally boil, is this the same stuff that was used in Agents of SHIELD?

Gravik and his right-hand man arrive at the Butcher’s shop and quickly take out the men that are on guard. This proves that Gravik is a fighter, not just a leader, when the time is right, he can and will throw down.


Standout Character

I have to give this to Gravik. Seeing him become the new General in charge of all the Skrulls was fantastic and then seeing him throw down using actual guns to takedown some agents was so good.


Honestly, while this episode was decent, the episode only had a portion of action which let the episode down. The overall story of the episode, getting to know the backstory of Gravik and why he’s doing what he is doing was really good. Overall a slow burn of an episode.

Rating: 9.1/10

The Review

Story - 8.5
Action - 7.5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9.5
Quality - 10



Honestly, while this episode was decent, the episode only had a portion of action which let the episode down. The overall story of the episode, getting to know the backstory of Gravik and why he's doing what he is doing was really good. Overall a slow burn of an episode.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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