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Secret Invasion “Betrayed” Review

Season 1 Episode 3 – “Fury uncovers a rebel Skrull plot.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. Gravik’s master plan is to change, not only faces but change powers. He tells the other members of the Skrul Council that he wants everyone to become “Super-Skrulls” and his master plan involves the mass extinction of the Human Race.

2. Gravik is smart. He knows who called the police on the Skrull safehouse. He questions G’iah about the issue. She tells him that she’s a good liar, but deep down, I believe Gravik knows. He’s too smart to get outsmarted by G’iah.

3. Talos has a sit-down with Gravik. They speak about how the humans only know murder and that Talos will tell every military on Earth and they’ll lose the element of surprise. Gravik tells Talos that he will be the author of their extinction and that G’iah will stay with him then. Talos immediately reacts to that comment by sticking a knife in Graviks hand.

4. I do like how Talos explained basically Fury’s entire career is simply down to the Skrulls from the Captain Marvel movie. Every terror attack, every promotion that Fury had was simply down to the Skrulls. Talos admitted that even though Fury is smart, he wouldn’t have got as far as he did on his own.


5. Fury and Talos try to reason with the Skrull they’ve got tied up. The Skrull is basically telling Talos that he is a shell of his former self so Fury gets impatient and shoots the Skrull in the knee. The Skrull begins to talk about G’iah, calling her a spineless traitor, Talos shoots and kills the Skrull. Having killed this Skrull, it even shocked Fury.

6. Gravik knew that G’iah was a traitor, so he was waiting at the gates for G’iah to leave. Gravik tells her to turn around and G’iah responds with “Are you a leader of Skrulls.” Before she could finish her sentence, Gravik shoots and puts a bullet seemingly in her chest… is she dead?

What I Disliked

Honestly, I don’t have any dislikes.

Favorite Moment

I think my favorite moment would be seeing Talos and Fury working together to infiltrate a mansion. The two come to a standstill when the owner takes Talos at gunpoint so Fury takes his son at gunpoint. Fury makes a funny comment to Talos by saying “Thanks for saying my life Fury, no problem Talos.”

Standout Character

Honestly, I’ll give this to Talos. While he didn’t need to be on that mission with Fury, he did convince Fury to say he needs him and Talos will always protect his daughter as we saw when he killed the Skrull.


Overall, another slow-build-up episode that progressively got better as the episode went on. Although this episode had a lot more action compared to the last episode. Gravik is shaping up to be a fantastic villain.


Rating /10

The Review

Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 9



Overall, another slow-build-up episode that progressively got better as the episode went on. Although this episode had a lot more action compared to the last episode. Gravik is shaping up to be a fantastic villain.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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