Let's TalkStar Wars

Let’s Talk: Star Wars Jedi, Sith, And Gray Codes

Within the lore of Star Wars, each “faction” has its own codes. Unless they change, turn, or walk away, they go by these codes for their entire lives.

I don’t truly remember ever hearing these codes spoken in live-action, I have a feeling that Yoda or Qui-Gon spoke the words but these codes seem to either just not be mentioned or just ignored. I personally love the codes. They make sense in the long run.

The Jedi Code;

“There is no emotion, there is PEACE. There is no ignorance, there is KNOWLEDGE. There is no passion, there is Serenity. There is no chaos, there is HARMONY. There is no death, there is The FORCE.”

The Sith Code;

“Peace is a lie, there is only PASSION. Through passion, I gain STRENGTH. Through strength, I gain POWER. Through power, I gain VICTORY. Through victory, my chains are broken THE FORCE shall set me free”.


Typically, many Star Wars fans believe there are only two codes, The Jedi and The Sith. There is the Gray code but many fans pass it off as no such thing and that it was made up purely by fans. Within Star Wars there are many Jedi that fit into the category of being a Gray Jedi. Qui-Gon is the main example.

The term Gray Jedi or Gray had two meanings. Firstly, it was used by Jedi and Sith to describe Force-users who walked the line between the light and dark sides of the Force without surrendering to the dark side. Secondly, it described Jedi who distanced themselves from the Jedi High Council.

The Gray Code;

“There is no dark side, nor a light side. There is only The FORCE. I will do what I must to keep the BALANCE. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is PASSION, Yet PEACE. There is SERENITY, yet EMOTION. There is CHAOS, yet ORDER.”

Which code do you prefer? Personally, I think I like the Gray code more.


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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