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Can Amazon Prime’s Run Continue With Their Superhero Shows?

Prime has been on an absolute roll with their superhero TV shows. Each series they’ve released so far has been met with praise all around the world.

This started with The Boys back in 2019 which has spawned 3 seasons to date. We’ve had the animated show, Invincible and now Gen V. 3 shows, and 5 seasons in 4 years is pretty good going for a studio just getting involved with their creative shows. I mean, in the superhero (comics) world they’re putting Netflix to shame.

Gen V, The Boys, and Invincible have all been renewed for another season. Amazon is adding a Spider-Man Noir live-action show to their portfolio alongside Fallout.

It’s an exciting time for Prime and it’s a streaming service I’ve found myself using more and more over the last couple of years. Even now they have every single season of Supernatural on there so it’s becoming more and more worth it as the months go by. Not to mention free Prime delivery as well and it’s cheaper than Netflix.

I fully believe Amazon is doing the right things when it comes to its shows. They know what people like. Even with The Boys, they shifted a small part away from the subsequent comic run the series had but still managed to make it one of the most popular shows on the planet.

Invincible was met with glowing reviews and Gen V has been a huge success in expanding The Boys universe. The fact that Prime is willing to take on these shows is a feat in itself but to actually make them good is a whole other feat.


Fallout is one of my all-time favorite gaming series and the world is so vast and large within those games. The fact Prime is taking this on is just admirable and I couldn’t be more excited for it. Especially if the same level of care and attention is put into it like the others.

It’s strange because personally, I’ve always had Prime Video as the delivery for Amazon is something worth paying for but now, I’m using it more than most other streaming platforms at the moment. Prime Video was just something I’d click on to see if a movie I wanted to watch was on there, now I’m watching it more than ever.

I like the fact we’re getting content that isn’t just Marvel or DC but falls into the realm of superheroes/comics. The Boys, Gen V, Invincible and we’re about to get Spider-Man. Netflix is still canceling shows and upping their prices seemingly every 6 months so it’s nice to see now that other streaming platforms can compete if they just care about their consumers.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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