#1 The Morbius trailer finally arrived (see more)
#2 Star Wars Episode 9 has reached $1b at the Box Office, but remains the lowest rated Star Wars movie
#3 Last week we heard the Hawkeye series was indefinitely delayed, we learned this week that never happened (see more)
#4 Karen Gillan has gone on record and stated she would be down to play Batwoman, and direct a standalone movie
#5 Rumours floated around that the Disney+ Obi-Wan series has been cancelled, we immediately reported this was in fact, false (see more)
#6 Crisis on Infinite Earths finally hit a conclusion this week, with new Earths being shown towards the end (see more)
#7 Birds of Prey is predicted to track $45-55m in the domestic opening weekend
#8 Taika Waititi has been approached to do a Star Wars movie
#9 The HBO Max upcoming show, Green Lantern will feature two of the Green Lanterns. It will also feature Sinestro
#10 HBO Max is making an Aquaman mini animated series, James Wan set to direct it
That’s all from us this week. See you guys next Sunday!