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The Penguin “Cent’anni” Review

Season 1 Episode 4 – “Confronting her past decade-long stay in Arkham State Hospital, Sofia makes plans for a more hopeful future.”

Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!

What I Liked

1. we finally get some form of tease from Sofia’s past. Seeing her as a child looking for her mom and finding her hanging showcased the switch that Sofia had in her, this was the reason. Although that switch didn’t get hit until later down the line, this moment was the moment the switch inside of Sofia was made. It was only a matter of time.

2. We get to see more into Sofia’s past. We get to see a journalist snooping around trying to find out why a bunch of women have all been found hanging in a similar fashion to Sofa’s mother. They all have a connection… The Iceberg Lounge. The journalist is looking into Sofia’s father.

3. We truly get to see how powerful Sofia’s father truly is. When Sofia begins to question her father, about what happened to her mother he sends her home because she is “sick”. While Oz is driving her home, they get stopped by the GCPD, and Sofia gets arrested for murder.

4. We get to see what Sofia goes through while in Arkham, from being chained up to brutal beatdowns in the cafe. We get to witness the slow decline of this normal woman to the crazy, twisted, and powerful Sofia we get to see in the present day.


5. Sofia finally reaches peak villainy status. She kills the entire Falcone family by poisoning them with fumes from the basement. I mean, to make a name for yourself like this. To have the city think you killed 7 people when you did and to kill a mansion full of people is crazy intense.

What I Disliked

Nothing to report.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment of the episode is when Sofia went a tiny bit crazy in Arkham. She’s sat in the cafe and she attacks someone, looks at her doctor, and says “I told you, I am innocent.” Fantastic scene.

Standout Character

I think it’s safe to say, Sofia takes this. She was absolutely great in this episode. Honestly, the acting that Cristin Milioti did in this episode was second to none.


Honestly, I thought an episode focused on the backstory of Sofia, the present-day Sofia becoming a powerful figure in the family, and having Oz in the episode as basically the driver for Sofia would be a determent to the season but this episode proved that this was needed to give Sofia a great push to the forefront of villainy.

Rating: 8.8/10

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The Review

Story - 10
Action - 5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10



Honestly, I thought an episode focused on the backstory of Sofia, the present-day Sofia becoming a powerful figure in the family, and having Oz in the episode as basically the driver for Sofia would be a determent to the season but this episode proved that this was needed to give Sofia a great push to the forefront of villainy.

Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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