In the latest Stargirl episode, “Brainwave” we got yet another tease with another team in a photograph held by Pat.
This time, it was the Seven Soldiers of Victory. We’ve had a monumental amount of teases for past members of the Justice Society of America, and this theme continues on.
It’s one of the many things that impresses me about this show. The writers are willing to give a nod to many heroes that have come before the current timeline we’re at.
Although the group is called the Seven Soldiers, there are actually 8 members. Here’s all 8;
1. Crimson Avenger (Lee Travis)
2. Star-Spangled Kid (Sylvester Pemberton)
3. Stripesy (Pat Dugan)
4. Vigilante (Greg Saunders)
5. Shining Knight (Sir John)
6. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
7. Speedy (Roy Harper)
8. Wing (the “unofficial” eighth member)

Of course, Courtney referred to Green Arrow as Robin Hood. Pat is obviously there, and he directly mentions Crimson and Star-Spangled Kid. We know Shining Knight is the janitor working in the school, judging by the fact Sir John is still around, could the others be as well?
Vigilante was also an alter-ego also shown in the CW show, Arrow, but not the same character behind the mask. The one in the photo is Greg Saunders, and the one we see in Arrow is Vincent Sobel. A character created by the CW for the alter-ego.
This is great for the show, especially that it can create the avenues it does by showing us these characters actually exist(ed) within this current universe.
As the show has already been renewed for a second season, all the characters they have shown and spoken about, it’s highly unlikely a couple of them won’t turn up in the future.
We know quite a few members of the JSA died at the beginning of Stargirl, but not all members of the JSA were there. So, surely, there has to be some surviving members of this. Just like Pat, and Sir John that we already have in the show currently.
I’d love to see an old-man Green Arrow show up. Although the chances of that happening are incredibly slim, especially after Stephen Amell did such a great job with the character, I think the CW would rather leave that alone.
I’d also love to eventually see a Green Lantern in the show. But this is the CW/DC, they always have some amazing surprises for us.
I hope this show is around for the long haul, as it’s had one of the best opening seasons in superhero history.
What are your thoughts? Who would you love to see appear in the show properly? Let us know down in the comments below.