Here we are again, debunking rumours from these ridiculous click-bait sites, and this time it feels like a believable one as many people on my Facebook timeline seem to be sharing these articles.
According to claims; Affleck has signed a deal with HBO Max to return as Batman. Whilst true we will see Affleck in the suit once more, this is due to the Snyder Cut of the Justice League. A movie already filmed, and done.
Ben stepped away from the role a couple of years ago now, and currently, there is no talks, plans or anything to bring him back properly.
Robert Pattinson was cast as Batman, and Michael Keaton is in talks to reprise his role in the upcoming Flash movie.
So, even realistically, it doesn’t make sense for them to bring Ben back considering they have seemingly already moved on from the character.
Understandably, this could or may change dependant on how well the Snyder Cut does on HBO Max. As of now, however, there is no official confirmation that Affleck has signed a deal to return as Batman, outside of the Snyder Cut.
If this was true, typing “Ben Affleck” into Google would result in multiple high-profile, accurate news sites reporting the news. However, upon typing it in, nothing else pops except the same old sites with a poor reputation on click-baiting users.
No other reliable website has reported this news.
When the majority of people comment; “this seems too good to be true”, check the source. It took me 15 seconds to realise the news is so untrue.
We pride ourselves in researching news before posting. Sometimes we get this wrong of course, but we always try and do our best before publishing any article. We don’t set ourselves out in click-baiting users for a few more views on our site. The reputation these guys have, we don’t want to be known in that type of bracket.