Season 2 Episode 1 Chapter 9 “The Mandalorian is drawn to the Outer Rim in search of others of his kind.”
What I Liked?
1. The episode starts off with the scene from the trailer, in the illegal fight club where Din asks a mobster where to find more Mandalorians, The mobster tries to threaten Din for his armor while Din uses his wrist tiny rockets to kill everyone who has a gun pointed at him, he then kills a few Zabrak’s and gets his information about a “Mandalorian” based on Tattoine.
2. Din heads back to Tattoine, he lands at the spaceport with The Mechanic who gives his ship the “once over”, she tells Din where to find the town where this “Mandalorian” is based. Din heads there and meets this Mandalorian, The Marshal is wearing an old/rusted/worn scratched Boba Fett armor, Din gets defensive and threatens to kill The Marshal if he doesn’t return the armor, essentially before they could duel a big Krayt Dragon attacks the town, The Marshal and Din team up to kill it and in return, Din receives the armor. This was a good scene as we got to see the droid from episode 4, the R5 unit which blows up before Luke can buy it. We also get to see a cameo by Sam Witwer who voiced Starkiller, Galen Marek, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, and more.
3. Cobb Vanth explains to Din about how he found the Boba Fett armor, He explains it was the night the second Death Star exploded, while everyone in the town was celebrating, the Mining Collective came in and started to kill everyone, Cobb managed to escape and steal a container of crystals, he eventually is found by some Jawa’s who trades the crystals for Boba’s armor.
4. My next point is basically an Easter Egg, something I thought I’d never see again. After Din and Cobb agree to work together to take down the Krayt Dragon, we see both of them riding speeders through the desert. Din is on the speeder from the first season while Cobb is actually riding Anakin’s pod racer from episode 1 just modified into a speeder bike. This was such a cool moment.
5. After the final battle against the Krayt dragon, we see the Tuskians receive a pearl from inside the Krayt Dragon, they are also harvesting the meat in which Din takes a piece for himself and Baby Yoda while Cobb keeps his side of the deal and gives Din the Mandalorian armor. We see Din ride off through the desert while the camera focuses on a mysterious figure who turns around and we see an older, heavily worn out Boba Fett.
What I Disliked?
Absolutely nothing. This episode was great, action-packed, and had amazing Easter Eggs from previous Star Wars projects.

Favorite Moment
Din and Cobb team up with the Tuskian’s who raided the town to take down the Krayt Dragon, Din is basically the translator because he can speak the Tuskian language. The showed the town, Din and Cobb the abandoned Sarlacc Pit where the Krayt Dragon lives. The town and Din and Cobb all work together to take it down but it overpowers them, killing many by spewing acid onto them instantly dissolving them. Din gets an idea of having it eat him and the many bombs he has on an animal, it works and Din kills it by exploding the bombs inside of it.
Standout Character
I wanted to give it to Cobb Vanth but seeing what Din did in the final battle against the Krayt Dragon was just amazing. The Mando has to take it this week.
The Verdict
An action-packed, Easter Egg filled season 2 premiere, what more could you ask for? The show continues it’s the truly immense form from season 1. The action, The story, and the characters which were showcased in this episode were truly spectacular. I love that they are incorporating a Legends story into Canon.
Rating 10/10
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
An action-packed, Easter Egg filled season 2 premiere, what more could you ask for? The show continues it's the truly immense form from season 1. The action, The story, and the characters which were showcased in this episode were truly spectacular. I love that they are incorporating a Legends story into Canon.