The news broke on Friday that Black Lightning will sadly end with Season 4 over on the CW Network. Season 4 is scheduled to be released at some point in early 2021.
While this news is sad, it’s not unexpected for people like me who knew the show could have been written, directed, and shot better in production and filming.
Black Lightning did have its moments of excitement, joy, and action, however, the ratings and viewership lacked…badly. It was originally on FOX before coming over to the CW.
Then the showrunners decided to keep it away from the “Arrowverse” until the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event where we got to see Black Lightning team up with the Arrowverse heroes.
This news also comes just as soon as the show was just starting to get on the right level of good. It did have its moments but overall the show was bad. It had too much-forced stuff into it and the overall story arc’s played out for far too long.
This cancel announcement also comes just weeks after a Black Lightning spin-off show was announced. Painkiller has been a prominent character throughout the seasons of Black Lightning, his arc alone is one of the reasons why I personally stayed with the show.