Can It Be Justified?Exclusive

Can It Be Justified? #7 The Mandalorian Edition

Welcome to our exclusive series, where we look online for the most ridiculous comments and opinions we can find. Some comments may not seem ridiculous, but cause a storm among certain fan bases we’d just love to weigh in on. We take the comment, think about it, and try to justify it to see if the comment holds any form of value whatsoever.

We will not showcase who wrote these comments, only what the comment was, and also the context in which it was written if there was any.

Please note before we start. All of these comments are based on opinion, and ours are as well. This is just meant for fun, and not offend anyone, or meant to be serious in any way.

1. Boba Fett is fat… (this was an actual comment seen on Twitter in regards to a positive tweet turned negative)

Can it be justified? Absolutely not. This was one of the most pathetic comments I have seen online in regards to any show, ever. You can’t just degrade a persons acting ability or the entertainment they put out because the actor doesn’t fit your weight desires.

Temuera Morrison has taken the Boba role and made it super special, so much so that he has now been given his own show. It proves so much that Morrison is just badass. Plain and simple.

2. The Mandalorian is the best part of live-action Star Wars and has been in years

Can it be justified? Of course. I would say so personally. When you compare this to recent Star Wars material it just doesn’t make sense how something that’s supposed to be a theatrical release can look like a budget movie from a budget studio.


You can tell the show is made with great care from everybody involved. Each episode brings you in that little bit more, especially when the show takes the full Star Wars lore into effect. Legends, Canon, new stories – they just dabble into a bit of everything and I think that’s what makes the show so special.

3. Luke Skywalker looked ridiculous with the CGI

Can it be justified? No. I don’t believe so. Was it perfect? No. Not by any means. Were the movies? No. Could it ever be perfect? No. It couldn’t. Would Sebastian Stan be better? Yes. The point here isn’t even about the CGI, we got freaking LUKE SKYWALKER!

Like, what more do you want? It didn’t matter if the CGI was a bit off, you aren’t watching these shows or movies for realism, are you? No. Luke’s ark in the finale of The Mandalorian made perfect sense, and it was one of the best bits of TV I’ve ever watched.

4. Ahsoka’s head tails were too small

Can it be justified? No. I think what people are forgetting is the end of Rebels was after Ahsoka’s appearance in The Mandalorian. They had to be shortened due to the stunts, it’s completely different than it being animated where anything is possible.

I think this comment in particular, besides the Boba comment just proves how petty some people can be. They will find any room to complain about something so stupid, instead of just watching and enjoying the show for what it is.

5. Boba Fett’s scratched up armour is better than the one he showed up with after painting and upgrading it

Can it be justified? Yes. For me, they were both stunning. I loved the edgy side of the original armour we saw in the original trilogy. I did like the new armour colours that little bit more as they just popped.


This one is just a case of whatever your preference is, and there’s no stupid way for liking either or in any sense, Boba’s armour is just exceptional and iconic, it always will be.

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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