ReviewsShowsThe Flash

The Flash “Legacy” Review

Season 5 episode 22 “Barry faces off with his oldest, and most formidable nemesis, Reverse Flash.”

The Good & The Bad

The Good

1. The episode starts right where it left off, Ralph figuring out Thawnes plan.. He then jumps in front of the shot and the black of mirror energy hits him and turns his cells into the “reverse” and he gets stuck that way.

2. Cisco meets Camilla and tells her that he’s been working on a Meta-human cure for S.T.A.R Labs and that he is Vibe. She becomes fine with it and says she wouldn’t expect him to tell her right away because she’s read comics and knows about the secret identity stuff.

3. Nora enters Grace’s mind and asks her to take the cure, Cicada 1 shows up and tries to kill Nora another version of Cicada but the one who took the cure shows up and gets Grace to wake up and take the cure, she does but future Cicada shows back up and attacks Team Flash.

4. After the battle with Reverse Flash, Nora grabs Thawne and her eyes turn red and her hand starts to vibrate and she nearly puts it through his chest. Thawne planned for this as a new timeline starts to set and Nora begins to disappear so her and Barry run into the negative speedforce to save Nora but she sacrifices her self and disappears in Barry and Iris’s arms.


5. Cisco and Caitlin have a heart to heart conversation with Cisco thanking her for being a great friend, he then proceeds to give Caitlin the device so she can give Cisco the Meta-human cure because while he’s had a great time as Vibe he wants Cisco to have a turn so he goes off to spend it with Camilla not before leaving Caitlin a new suit for Killer Frost.

6. Captain Singh wanted to see Joe, Cecile and Barry at CCPD they arrive and Singh informs Joe he’s been offered the police commissioner spot so that leaves Singh to choose his replacement for Captain, he chooses Joe to be the new CCPD captain and he tells joe that he’ll have plenty of help from The Flash and turns and says to Barry “won’t he, Flash” Singh tells Barry that he’s a detective and has basically always know.

The Bad

1. When Nora was inside Grace’s mind I would of liked to see to a good Cicada vs evil Cicada fight.

2. The battle between Team Flash and Reverse Flash was short lived but I understand why and a bigger story is in play.

3. When Thawne was about to be killed in prison, his prison guard brought him his Reverse Flash ring and suit. basically handed him his suit.

4. Cisco takes the cure. It was sad to see and something I didn’t want to happen.


Holy Shit Moment

1. Barry destroys the dagger to save Nora but in the process makes it disappear from 2049 and freeing Thawne leading to him killing all the guards in the prison. Nora reverses time and we get an epic speedster chase then Thawne creates a mirage so one gets chased by Barry and the other gets chased by Nora, they lead them towards each other and Reverse Flash gets the best of them

He speeds towards Barry and Nora but a portal opens and Thawne gets hit with the time sphere, out steps Iris, Frost, Ralph and Vibe. Team Flash beats down Thawne and Barry and Nora hit him with a super punch.

2. When Nora starts to disappear Thawne tells Barry that “in some way Nora showed him what it was like to have a daughter” so Barry grabs Thawne and Thawne says “see you in our next crisis” and speeds off.

3. Back in present day we see inside of the time vault and the news article of Flash vanishing in the future appears and the date moves from 2024 to 2019.


Incredibly emotional, action packed episode. teases Crisis coming sooner than later, so many emotional scenes with Barry, Iris and Nora. Cisco and Caitlin scenes were fantastic, Cisco leaving and Nora leaving a message for Barry and Iris. Best finale yet.

Rating: 9.8/10


Phil Weaver

27 years old. One of the co-founders and Directors of Only Comic Universe. Specialising in comic book source material, especially DC.

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