Firstly, I’ll say this, what I’m about to type in this article is purely my own opinion and in no way, shape, or form is it anyone else’s this is purely from my mind and perspective about the series and its downward spiral into what it is now.
Legends of Tomorrow Seasons 1 & 2.
Right, let’s talk about the first season of Legends of Tomorrow. Back when this series first got teased in an episode of The Flash, many fans questioned “what was that” because, in the scene, we got a glimpse of this team up with Captain Cold and more.
Then we got to see the trailer for it and I was blown away by it, then the series actually premiered and introduced us to characters we barely knew in the Hawks, this was an amazing way to learn about them, the first season was serious, other shows like The Flash and Arrow had their serious moments but in reality, the stories and villains were not that powerful compared to someone like Vandal Savage.
Vandal Savage was such an incredible villain, he made you sit back and truly think “well, this might be the only time where the heroes actually lose”. That’s just how great he was, he was fierce, ruthless, destructive, and powerful. He was such a perfect villain for the seriousness of the series.
Season two rolled around and we got to witness more of the Reverse-Flash, Damian Darhk, and The Dark Archer as villains who could time travel and ruin the world if they wanted to, this season introduced us to the Arrowverse Justice Society which was actually incredible to witness, and once again the ruthlessness of a villain when Reverse-Flash killed Hourman.
This is where things slowly started to change, we got introduced to Nate Haywood, we got to see him grow, and have some amazing, fun, and funny character development and relationships on the series. After this season was finished it felt like the seriousness and the great powerful villains just… vanished.
Season 3 and beyond.
I don’t know what happened behind the scenes, but ultimately, it was just different when the series returned for its third season. We started to get boring villains weekly, the story was below average. Great characters left the show or got slowly removed from the series.
If you ask me right now to tell you what the story in season 3 or 4 was, I honestly couldn’t tell you, I just know magic was introduced and we had a fairy godmother, a magical unicorn, and just some other weird stuff. While the newer seasons did have some “good” moments, it just wasn’t the same as the once-great show it was.
The show, had it stayed its course and stuck with serious villains and storytelling, this show could have been the greatest Arrowverse show there was, there was potential for some amazing DC characters to appear on the series and to stand out from the other Arrowverse shows.
In the space of mere weeks, I’ve reviewed this show and had to give out my lowest ratings in the many reviews I’ve done, I’ve reviewed countless episodes, movies, products, and never once went below a 3.5, for Legends this season I’ve had to do that twice and it’s only 6 episodes into the season.
Instead of giving out character development, the writers have ruined great characters such as Nate Haywood, Zari, Sara Lance, and the best one yet managed to ruin Constantine. It’s honestly just so sad to witness, I even spoke to my friend and said after the episode, there is no saving this show at all, I truly believe that.
If it was to ever be saved, it would take an absolute miracle to do so, the series needs new, serious stories and writers behind the scenes, it needs an overhaul and producers, directors, and dare I say, actors.
I just have zero hope and interest for the remainder of this upcoming season.