Season 1 Episode 8 – The end of The Road.
The finale review will be out tomorrow.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Lady Death confirms that Billy is an abomination and needs to be taken. She also confirms that she cannot allow her brother to do the same, which also clarifies that this is what Billy is seeking from the road. It’s an interesting take. Agatha agrees to deliver Billy in a bid to make Death stop chasing her. It’s an intriguing beginning to the episode, I must say.
2. Is there anything Agatha hasn’t done? She was the one who bound Jennifer 100 years ago. Once realizing it was Agatha who did it, she does an unbinding ritual and regains her powers, but in doing so, she disappears. Agatha confirms she got what she wanted, hence why she disappeared. I really did like this scene because you almost believe everyone besides Agatha will die, similar to how her first Road went, whereas it appears Jennifer may have survived at this point.
3. What a scene! After Jennifer disappears, Agatha helps Billy find Tommy. We see a young boy dying as Billy attempts everything he can to find him. Once he locates him, he disappears and leaves Agatha alone in the room. It was a beautiful moment to see Agatha help him instead of having a trick up her sleeve.
4. Death by a Thousand Cuts was a bit much from Lady Death. What a prize for Agatha after finishing the trial. She even slices her Achilles heel, just sadistic at this point.
5. Agatha and Billy fight Death but after Agatha goes down, she realizes that it’s futile to try and fight completely understandable death. Agatha explains that she’ll be the one to go but betrays him. Billy telepathically asks her if this is how her son died. She then turns, kisses Death, and dies. What a whirlwind of emotions that scene was.
6. After Billy heads home after Death allows him to leave, he investigates his room and finds a lot of the stuff in there that resembles his experience on the Road. We then hear him admit it was him before seemingly Agatha screams “boo”. Not a bad way to end the episode as it opens the door for curiosity into the next episode.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
What an entrance from Billy as he enters the scene to save Agatha from Death. His suit looks fantastic as does he. Billy seemingly transfers some of his power to Agatha. She even gets her suit back which is great. Billy asks her to take all of his power and she doesn’t.
Standout Character
This one is a huge tossup between Agatha and Billy but I think for me, Billy JUST edges it but it’s close. I think the entrance scene above all else takes it for me.
A great episode to bridge into the finale. Lady Death looks absolutely fantastic and I’d love to see her become a character in Deadpool’s movies considering the comics. It’s nice to see the Road end and we can now move into the finale.
Rating 8.8/10

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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 9
A great episode to bridge into the finale. Lady Death looks absolutely fantastic and I'd love to see her become a character in Deadpool's movies considering the comics. It's nice to see the Road end and we can now move into the finale.