Season 7 Episode 6 “After blowing its cover and damaging the Zephyr in the process, the team must scramble to rescue Mack’s parents, save S.H.I.E.L.D. from a chronicom infestation and fix the ship; Daisy and Sousa are at a disadvantage against Nathaniel Malick.”
What I Liked?
1. We jump straight into the action at the lighthouse base when the Chronicoms gain control of the missiles and fire 3 of them at the Zephyer and hit it and damaged it really badly.
2. Nathaniel didn’t want anything to do with his father’s business until Daisy took him hostage and he saw her use her powers on the Chronicoms. He’s worked with Daniel Whitehall in the Inhuman program. Whitehall has been mentioned more than a few times, Will we get to see him again?
3. Mack and Yo-Yo go on a mission to the lighthouse to save his parents. Mack gets all emotional because of the time he’s missed with them. Wasn’t much to this point, just a really a good few scenes.
4. Coulson explains to may that the Chronicoms have learned from Coulson, they have adapted to take full control over humans, emotions, and personality. Coulson and May end up saving Stoner.
5. After Daisy goes through intense operations from Nathaniel, She’s pretty much out of it when she goes back into the room with Sousa, So he starts telling her about how someone kept talking to him when he injured in leg in the war. Kind of got a relationship vibe this episode between the two.
6. Nathaniel manages to take a tiny amount of Daisy’s power but since he couldn’t control it properly, the roof caves in on him and Sousa manages to carry Daisy to freedom.
7. Coulson once again dies, this time taking the leader of the Chronicoms with him and their ship with Chronicom bodies on it. May believes he’ll return again.
8. The team gets ready to do the time jump, once they do, Mack takes off on a bike to catch some air, when Deke goes to find him, Simmons tries to warn him to get back to the ship, Mack and Deke get left behind when the Zephyr jumps with Mack looking unfazed.
What I Disliked?
1. I don’t like how Simmons has implanted a bug inside her brain to not remember where Fitz has gone to in the universe so the Chronicoms won’t find him.
2. Deke. Straight up has been annoying and nearly ruined Enoch trying to save Simmons by fixing the bug inside her brain.
Favorite Moment
Mack’s “father” touches May while in the quinjet flying back to the Zephyr, May then releases Mack’s father hasn’t got any emotion, she tells Mack that and a fight ensues with Mack having to kill the Chronicoms wearing his parent’s faces.
Standout Character
Mack once again delivered a great episode. Not only did he have to go through the trouble of saving his parents, but he also had to willingly “kill” them when he found out they were actually Chronicoms.
The Verdict
An action-packed yet emotional yet unexpected episode. A lot of new questions raised with answers waiting for us in the next episode. Will Coulson return again? What will happen to Mack and Deke? Is Sousa going to stay with SHIELD after this season?
Rating: 9.3/10